
Is it weird to smoke in your car?

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I just started smoking and wondering if that's weird or not. Most people at work smoke on the back patio.




  1. Not at all.

  2. You smoke in the car while your work colleagues smoke on the back patio, do they not like you?  Can I come to your early funeral?

  3. No.

  4. As in...going to your car during a smoke break?  Turning on some tunes?  Kicking back and relaxing?

    Not weird at all.

    But, if you just started smoking, I would urge you to do one of two things.

    1) Quit.  I've smoked for 20 years.  It's expensive and hard to kick.  Quit before the habit becomes and addiction.


    2)  Don't use the ashtray in your car.  Don't leave the windows rolled up when you smoke.  Yes, this is a pain during the winter time.  However, if you are going to be a smoker, be a 'good' smoker.  Don't fill your house with ashtrays.  Don't fill your car with ashes.

    Smoking stinks.  I don't smoke in my house, and when I smoke in the car, I leave the window down, even in the winter.  It cuts down on the smell.  This smell is very obvious to a non-smoker, and very offensive.  It can hurt you socially and professionally.  A non-smoking girlfriend or boss will be repelled by it.  

  5. everyone smokes in their car.

    i assume youre pretty young since youre asking this question so:

    dont get addicted, smoking every so often is fine but dont make it a habit

  6. why in the world would anyone want to START smoking?????

    smoking kills.  

  7. Smoking in your car is fine as long as you are not driving at the time - like using a mobile phone or doing your make up whilst driving, it's a distraction and can cause you to lose control of the vehicle, and indeed is a cause for fines and/or penalty points on your license in many areas.

  8. Just go where you want. Who cares if anyone thinks it's "weird"

    Just do what you want

  9. I assume you mean at work, while on break.  I always go to my car rather than hang with the smokers on the patio - I get 10 minutes of the radio and can brush my hair or make a quick phone call while I have my cigarette.  Plus, I don't have to listen to all the stupid gossip and boring small talk.  And, I get the added bonus of that little bit of exercise walking to my car.

    If you mean while driving - of course that's not weird!  However, I don't when I have non-smoking passengers or children, and I be sure to air the car out a bit beforehand.

  10. It's fine with me.  Just keep the windows rolled up.

  11. It's not weird at all. I smoke all the time in the car.  

  12. no, I do it all the time...

  13. I always smoke in the car.  I'd go nuts if I didn't.

  14. Not at all.  If you smoke in your car and you're by yourself (or with other smokers) you're not bothering any non-smokers.  That's what I call being considerate of others.  Heck, in the state of Ohio you HAVE to smoke in your car if you go out because all establishments that serve food and/or drink (including bars and nightclubs) have no smoking rules.  Wait, it gets better:  Ohio law also says you can't go outside to smoke -- if you want to smoke you MUST smoke in your car.  I understand not wanting to subject non-smokers to second-hand smoke, but that's going too far...

  15. With all the stupid no smoking here and no smoking there, thats one place you can smoke is in your car, no one can tell you, you cant smoke in your car. But the government trying to put a stop to that too, but I'd be d**n if they tell me what I can and can't do in my own car, that is non of there business what I do in my own car... They say it causes accidents. How many times have you heard about an accident caused by someone smoking. But the BIG STORY on Action news tonight is, a 3 car pile up cause by some one lighting up. People have smoked in cars since Henry ford made that first car. Which by the way, (Henry your cars suck)!!!  

    No, why would you think it would be weird to smoke in your car, if it's hot outside, maybe you want the AC on, or you want to be left alone, after all you do see these people all day while at work, so why would you want to look at them any longer then you have too?

    those of you that say we're polluting the ozone, well I don't what you driving your car, truck or suv and polluting the ozone...

  16. No

    I always smoke while driving my car.  

    Why dont you want to smoke on the back patio?  I prefer to socialize with co-workers when I smoke at work.

  17. oh lord, why would you start... I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it's insanely hard to stop..

    no, its not weird to smoke in your car... I used to smoke while I was driving all the time, and with all the new smoking bans it's one of the few places left you actually CAN smoke..

  18. No, it's not weird. That's what the built in ash trays and cigarette lighter is for. You shouldn't do it when you are on your way to pick someone up though, or if someone will be in your car soon after.

  19. No, it's commonplace, which is why cars have ashtrays and lighters.

  20. I see people smoking in their cars all the time. Most people do it the other day because it's more convenient to take a quick step outside.

  21. I see many people doing  it all the time, even on the highway (not a good idea, mind you). I would not say it is weird.

  22. if everyone is on the patio and you seclude yourself in your car it may seem a bit anitsocial.  

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