
Is it weird to start thinking of a baby 5 years before you plan on conceiving?

by  |  earlier

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I am 9 months postpartum, and missing the newborn phase already. I have an IUD, so unless something goes wrong, I won't be getting pregnant for at least 5 years.

But, I have been looking at all of this stuff for newbies, and I want to buy them. I even started making a list of all of the stuff that I will get when I have another baby. With all of this hoping and planning, my body might s***w me over, and I won't be able to get pregnant.

Is this normal to feel? Anyone else feel this way?




  1. Not weird at all, its smart to think about the future, and being prepared for it.

  2. its normal.

    just get the outfits in sizes to fit your 9 month old.

    no, i didn't feel that way then. now its 5 years postpartum, some days i do miss it.  then i look at my son and think no, i don't want to go through again.

    i love my son, but i also enjoy the little freedom i am starting to get.  like using the bathroom by myself, easier to find sitters. in 6 years i won't even need a sitter.

  3. No way,Having a baby at any stage of the game requires

    massive financial planning and preparation

  4. I swore I'd have no more when I was in labor. I was fine for the first 6 months b/c he kept me sooo busy. But once the "fun" age hit all I've been able to think about is having another. I pick out names and see the cutest clothes I want to buy. My son is 16 months and we'd like to wait until he is 3 to try again. I was very sick throughout my pregnancy with him, had 2 1/2 days of labor, an unplanned c-section and major baby blues. I'm not sure if I could do all of that again with him so young. Not to mention that I still have 20 more pounds to lose. Ugh!  But still I probably think about having another baby almost every day. I guess it's that reproductive instinct taking over! Ha!

  5. very normal.and smart to prepair.the more you can plan ahead the easier later.there is alot you can buy for a boy or girl.i think i always wanted kids.i had my first at twenty i wasnt ready but very excited.i was on the pill for two years then built an allergy to it,quit then my ex-husband and i found out i was pg.lost it it was a tubal, three months later i got pg with my daughter(now 14) i think i had a miscarrige but i was out of town by the time i got back the dr said it was too hard to tell.when my daughter was 1 and a half i got pg with twins.lost them due to car wreck,i then had norplant put in my body rejected it,year and a half later got pg with my son (9).it was hard through all that but god must of meant for it.after i had my son i got my tubes tied. i was about 25 and felt mentally and phys. i could go through more heart ache if lost husband was thenabout 40.he already had a son he didnt want more. i dont want more also because both of mine r adhd (runs in the family) so they keep me busy.but i also know our income is tight enough. i went thur hard ships but god blessed me with one of each and im happy.they r my world.think positive if its meant to be it will problems ran in the paternal grandmother only had one but lost many.good luck.

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