I'm on birth control because, well obviously i don't want to s***w everything by not being able to support a baby at this point, or limiting my dreams right away. but everytime i take my birth control part of me really wants to "forget" to take it because i really want to preggers.. but i take it anyways because that would be ver very unfair to the love of my life and i couldn't keep that from or do that to him.
*sigh* it's almost a pull that i dont think its right to have s*x and prevent a baby from forming.. almost like christians think i suppose. but i'm very atheist, and i not anti-abortion or pro. my mom got pregnant at seventeen and we turned out okay even though our dad left eventually.. and everytime i feel symptoms of possible pregnancy by mistake i almost get my hopes up..
Do you think its weird for me to actually want this?
you can tell me about your experiances, but i do know that it requires a lot to raise a baby and how demanding they are on your lifestyle. :(