
Is it what i think it is?

by  |  earlier

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ive been having the butterfly feeling on and off for a couple of weeks now and then the early hours of this morning i had this tapping feeling like something on the inside was tapping it happened a few times and my partner felt it aswel. A bit after i had the bubbling feeling in the exact same spot. When the tapping happened it made a sound like popping. Was this the baby moving? im convinced it was xx




  1. It would still be too early for your partner to feel it.  But you could be feeling the baby if you were pretty slender before you got pregnant.  Also, I don't think it would be making a sound lol  

  2. If you are 16 weeks (based on your name) it probably is the baby!  Aweome, huh?  That's how I described my first movements; like butterfly.  The popping sound was probably from you.  Gas or bowel sounds.  I have never heard of a baby's movements making audible sounds for mom to hear.

    Good Luck and Congrats!!

  3. i guess

  4. could be

  5. Yuppers! That's exactly what I've been feeling as well and I'm 19 weeks. Isn't it a wonderful feeling?

  6. At 16 weeks it is definitely possible to start feeling your baby move! I felt my baby girl move for the first time around 12 weeks, of course they were just little flutters. By 16 weeks I was feeling the taps and sudden jerks every once in a while, but my hubby couldn't feel it until I was about 21 weeks. I suppose like every other aspect of pregnancy, its different for every pregnancy! Congrats on feeling your baby!

  7. aww sounds like it

  8. it could possibly be, u usually don't feel the baby move til like 19 wks....i got those butterfly feelings for a lil while then one day i felt a real soon will happen, then u will feel baby move ALL the time...Congrats..

    Mommy of a 13 month old..

  9. By your description, it sounds like the baby moving. By 16 weeks, which you are stating you are, the baby will be starting to move. I would call your doctor and inform them what you've been feeling. They may want you to come in to check the heart beat and make sure every thing ok.  :)  

  10. What you're feeling is the baby. I've never heard of the movements making a popping sound though.

  11. Congrats you probably felt your little baby

  12. at 16 weeks? I don't think so

    Its just a t**d moving round your bowels

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