
Is it wise for a US foundation to spend time fundraising in China? Would Chinese people donate to a US org.?

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There are an increasing number of wealthy people in China, but would they donate to a US foundation? I realize there are many Chinese foundations available to donate to which would offer a tax deduction, something a US foundation could not offer.




  1. when they get out of tibet, then we'll talk.

  2. the united states has bonds and stocks and other such investments.the chinese own a lot of this stuff so in reality we are indepted by trillions of dollars.even though they tried to poison our kids with lead.if you want someone to contribute you should go after those who sell the feuland thoughs who hord the money up top

  3. One thing that Americans are passionate about that the Chinese are not is philanthropism. I wouldn't waste too much time on asking the wealthy in China for donations. They are really into making money over here, and there is no tax break for donations as far as I know.

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