
Is it wise for a mother to join the air force?

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As a mother who wants the best for her child, do you think the air force is the place to start a career and provide?

Is the Air Force tough on mothers?

How often will I be away from my baby?

I have a degree in Graphic Design and I was wondering can it be useful in the Air Force?




  1. Are you a single mother?

    If so, then you would be disqualified from service.

  2. Sinlge parents cannot enlist in the AF.  It is disqualifying.  You also cannot give up custody of your child for the sole purpose of enlisting.  A recruiter won't even speak with you.

    Are you married or single?

  3. My niece just joined the Navy.  She will be gone for 6 years.  Who will care for your child?  Do you want to miss out on all that?

    I know you want the best, but if you are an only mother, they won't let you in.

    I don't think Graphic Design is helpful, either.  Have you checked into daycare, GD and CAN YOU FLY?

  4. you would have to give temp custody to a loved one till you hit a duty station I have had to deal with single mother soilders under me in my squad, given I was in the Army  not the AF and in the Army we do have a MOS that deals with graphic design in part I belive its in the communication corp (media) if your degree is a A.A. you can come in as a E-4 if its a B.A. you can come in as a officer check with other branches not everyone has the same Regs  

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