
Is it wise to eat nothing but fast food and frozen pizzas?

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I have been doing really bad,I have been eating nothing but taco bell,McDonald's,Burger King,Wendy's,pizza from my local italian restruaunt,and frozen pizza's you buy at the grocery store.What is the likelyness of me getting overweight,or haveing other health issues? What health issues should I worry about?




  1. not unless you like bad skin,hair,nails,and to get really fat,plus you are clogging your arteries and the sodium and the cholesterol you are a heart attack waiting to happen. Do you have a death wish? Why must you eat like that? Your body is screaming for vitamins and I pitty your tummy. And did I mention bad breath and stinky bottom.

  2. no doubt your health problem will increase. stick with natural food  such as fruits,fish,chicken, and vegetables instead of man made food that have secret ingredients . study show 90 percent of people that hang out at hospitals eat fat,greasy,too much sugar fast food.

  3. You single huh..... I don't eat much better, fast food every day and all kinds of frozen junk. Ive actually lost about 5 pounds. I cant speak for you though, you might balloon up like a

  4. eat your peas!

    you need veggies too!

  5. Um  - No it is not wise. Go watch Super Size Me or Fast Food Nation and educate yourself. I enjoy fast food too- but in moderation. Have some sense!

    See the following:

  6. thats horrible for you. the trans fats, the sodium, the sugar the preservatives. they can take a huge toll on your cholesterol, your weight, your heart health and your future. ( i hope you know that even salads at these fast food chains are fattening and not particularly nutritious) change your diet!

  7. not good idea

  8. Have you bought your grave sight yet? You are heading there faster than anybody I know.

  9. like, that is bad to have seriously, i mean when was the last time u had regular food? plus u gain lots of weight just eatin that all the time.

  10. no its not good, u can suffer from obesity, which can lead to heart poblems

  11. it is not at all wise to have  this type of will not only put on weight but your cholesterol will shoot up leading to heart problems

  12. No, it isn't wise...but it sure tastes good going down. Besides, if you are eating their salads, you aren't doing too bad. Change your diet to include salads and healthier food even if you have to go to fast food places. And start hitting Subway if you can. They have great food that is actually good for you. Avoid the health issues and eat better. Hope this helps!!

  13. I'll have to ask my friend Dave. He eats like that.

  14. enjoy man. were all gonna die sometime

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