
Is it wise to feed a baby sugary things to munch on like cookies and chocolate?

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reason being my 6 month baby is been fed oreo cookies by his grandmother an if you inform her that its not good for the baby she would be angry.So can i get some advice from anyone what to say to her so that she would stop.thanks in advance




  1. White, refined sugar is a deadly concentrated substance for adults.

    It causes anything from tooth decay, to heart disease, to Diabetes.

    You must decide if it is worth the risk, but for me, it is brown sugar any time I have the option and feel the need to give sweets to my baby.

  2. First of all, what you say, goes. Second of all it is not wise for you to eat sugar to munch on. They make munchies for babies and maby you should look into that.   

  3. Just tell her if she keeps feeding him that you're going to have to find someone else to watch him (if she's his babysitter or whatever).  It's your baby and no, a child that young should NOT be eating sweets.

  4. My ploy was:  The Doctor said she not have anything too sweet as it causes diabetes later on.  He did say it Could cause it. lol  but said it would depend on her later dietary habits. lol  My mother in law was terrible.  She would give her a Big Hunk candybar???  they were huge back then - and had peanuts which they aren't supposed to have til they are 5 yrs old..  rats, I used to be furious.  My mom used to mash up bananas and put them in her food tray in their high chair.  What a god awful mess that was!!  Although, bananas were better then an outright candy bar!

    Also I think there are special snacks for babies - that you could bring along for her 'cookies'.  

    I truly sympathize but the dr and diabetes is what finally stopped the Big Hunk candybars!!  :)  Good luck!

  5. NO NO no thats really bad,, ask her to give him sugar free cookies, or peaches or  pears Just tell her you dont want ur child to  get ADD or ADAH cuz he always hyper from all that sweet food.  I used to work in a day center. and as a teacher you can tell which student started with sweet earlier  they  are way hyper and  way out of control.  But once in a while is fine or wait till the child older but as the parent i think u should  step up  

  6. That is not good for a 6 month old.  Babies are not supposed to have chocolate or peanut butter until one year.  Milk in these products could also hurt his tummy.  He may also have an allergy to certain foods.  He should be fed baby food--GERBER is the way to go.  He needs nutritious food to stay healthy.  He is your baby and you have the say in what he shall be fed.  Stand up to the grandmother, dont let her walk upon you!  Be strong.

    Good luck!

  7. Boy you sure have a delicate situation which requires tactfulness on you & your husbands part.

    You do not say if he goes to Grandma's House for a visit or is Grandma the babysitter? Since I was raised on an organic farm and my in-laws were very much organic themselves I did not have this problem. So I had to go right to the source for the answer on this one-MY MOM-mom says that my grandma did the same thing with us kids so when we went to visit Grandma, Mom would pack Melba toast and biscuits, fruit and only natural goodies and told grandma in a polite way that the goodies were in the diaper bag and are now in the fridge, please make sure that the kids are given these goodies, I would prefer they not be given sweets, this is what we feed them at home and I would appreciate it if you also feed the kids what we have brought over for them to eat. That way there is no conflict of interest in what our children are eating .

    My Grandma being the respectful women she was had no problem feeding us the things mom wanted to feed us and soon she was making sure that these types of foods were also in her house. I really do not know if that is going to help you any but Good Luck to you.

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