
Is it wise to know too much what happens in my husband's office (what he does, who he goes out with etc)?

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Because after knowing too much (like he spending time with this lady colleague etc), I feel upset. I rather not know too much then I'd be happy. Trusting him just from what he wishes to tell me. Is this healthy?




  1. That's a hard question.  Just be sure to know if your ready for what you could possibly find out.  I know ignorance is bliss, but you have to draw a line somewhere.

  2. You should just trust him or do you have reasons not to?

    No its not healthy to be upset because he goes to work and gets on with his work colleague seek councilling if you need to as this will eat away at you eventually....

  3. It depends on how much you can handle.

    Some women wants to know everything - and will not put up with anything off of their husbands.

    Other women cannot handle the truth about what their husbands really do - and they silently accept it - but know the truth.

    There are some sayings .. one is "what a person does not know - does not hurt them".  

    Another saying is .. "beware of what you want to know".

    If you plan on staying put with him regardless of what he does -- and when you don't know the things he does - you are happy ... then it would be best that you do not know.  This may be your way of handling the situation with him.

    Is it healthy ?  I think it would depend on the person. Sometimes, by acceptng things which is not right - enables the person to continue the acts .  A person who does this to themselves - might lose respect for themselves somewhere along the line .. then it would not be healthy for them.

  4. I'm not sure.  If he is spending time with this lady colleague during work hours, that is not a big deal.  If he is seeing her outside of work, that is a big deal and I would want to know about it.  It pretty much depends on the relationship you have with your hubby and you know deep down inside whether you can trust him or not.  If things aren't going well in your relationship, then there is a big chance he could start messing around.  

  5. you sound insecure.  You need to get a life of your own.

  6. why'd you marry him if you don't trust him? the main thing in a marriage is trust. if there's no trust, it's really hard to be together. just trust him and stop worrying yourself. he married you cause he loves you. just trust him and be happy.

  7. It is wise to know EVERYTHING that goes on in your husbands office and foolish not to. Even a seemingly faithful person can make mistakes. Check out the motives of the lady collegue.

  8. It is and it isn't, Do you really want to know a lot or do you not? I think you just want to know whats happening, and there is nothing wrong with that, there are other wives out there like that. But the thing is also you might find out more than what you want to know, can you handle that?  

  9. If he is coming home to you every night and with you on his days off, I wouldn't be concerned. I feel people that work together must have a good relationship because it's more productive and a good atmosphere to work in, allot of times there jobs depends on a good relationship with the other employees and also advancement in there careers. I would trust him and not push him about the office.

  10. You should be enjoying your life before you get old. Life is short. Be happy of what you got.

  11. Yes.  Alot of men do not want to talk much about work at all with their spouses.  My husband has worked in the same place for approx 20 years and I still do not know all of the guys (he does work with mostly men) names nor have I been in the place because it's a steel mill!  I have met some at company picnics, etc.  If you feel you have no reason to doubt him, then don't bring it up to him.  He may just have a project and she was assigned.  Don't go looking for something that could break your heart.  

  12. You should trust him for the simple fact you married him, and until he gives you reason to doubt him quit thinking about it so much.

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