
Is it wise to take up law in a foreign country?

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I have an idea of taking up law for college, and then moving back to America when i finish my schooling, but is it wise to take up law in a foreign country like the Philippines? or just to say in the country you wish to work in?




  1. If you plan on practicing Law in that foreign country, well then, it's okay I guess but, Laws differ in other countries and you might have to take it all over again when you return.

  2. It is in general very difficult to get foreign law credentials recognized. If you want to move to the Phillippines great. Otherwise this is not a good idea.

  3. First of all I want to know where you live and if you can read, listen and talk fluently in Spanish. If this were the case I would recommend you The Facultad de Derecho in Buenos Aires, which is absolutely free to anyone. You can study what we call materias or courses that are very similar to what you could study in other countries, for example: Roman Righs, History of Law, and so on.

    Also you can live very cheaply in boarding houses, with arrangements in food, clothes washing, etc.

    if you think that this is convenient to you, you can ask me anything you want.

  4. surely, if you intend to practice there

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