
Is it workable to to graft and converte wild olive trees into the productive olive. what are ideal conditions?

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Is it workable to to graft and converte wild olive trees into the productive olive. what are ideal conditions?




  1. If the tree or grove has a history of good productivity then you may try to work with what you have while you attempt to replant or to do some cuttings for planting. They can be topped really dramatically and shaped to something a bit more low for production. They do not need a great deal of nitrogen, and really only need a small amount if the soil is really bad. I guess they need potassium and boron but if fed properly that in only needed every other year. They are drought tolerant but need a good amount of water if you want them to fruit well. If you have been watching these trees have they a good history of flowering? For good fruits you want to reduce flowers/ fruits to 3-4 per foot which usually requires drastic flower reduction using something like NAA in summer oil. I can send specifics if needed. You want to insure that there are no disease and pests going into this which could be an issue especially if a hybrid variety has reverted to your "wild" variety, but I don't have that info on what to expect. One other thing to be sure of to that they do not like to be close to tomatoes, potatoes, cotton, and melons. I have more info if you need it. The short answer is that you might be able to easily and productively work with what you have for just your labor, a bit of fertilizer, and watering. If you have to chop them back a lot they will not produce well that first year, but as you only want 3-4 fruits per foot, you will get something. Have fun!

  2. The idea conditions would be to graft productive olive sine onto wild olive root stock and raising the trees from the young stock.

  3. It is workable. The ideal conditions are Mediterranean.

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