
Is it worth building a summer jib?

by  |  earlier

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I am thinking about building a maybe 6 foot high ramp with a small lip onto a box. I would use cheap astro-turf on the ramp but I am not sure what the best material for the top of the box would be. Also is it worth building one? because I can do boxes but nothing fancy like 270's on or anything. Also How long and what shape shoud I make the box? Lots of questions thanks!




  1. try a strips of formica counter tops for your box.  a straight box would be easiest to make.  prob 1 foot wide and 10 to 15 feet long.  Make sure you wet down the astro turf, you will slide much better.

    good luck

  2. I had astro turf but it was slow until i found some "snow fence" and when wet it goes as fast as snow.

  3. Now all you need is snow.  Its pretty tough to ski or snowboard on astroturf.

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