
Is it worth closing 26 pubs a week to impose smoking ban.?

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Is it worth closing 26 pubs a week to impose smoking ban.?




  1. is that how many are closing? if the person in the first answer is worried about cancer then the answer is simple - don't go! I miss smokey bars. All you can smell now is the toilet blocks in the urinals.

    my answer is no  - its not worth it. d**n nanny state and "do-gooders". Let me make my own decisions.

  2. Why pub's weren't allowed to decide if they had smoking rooms or not is beyond me. But so was Tory Bliar!

    At least the Health n**i's are happy now!

  3. Yea i think so smoking is making people die everyday around the world since the companys put so many disgusting chemicals in them.

  4. anything that stops people smoking is fine by me

  5. NO!  The government is too big as it is.  If people want to smoke it's their choice.  Everyone knows it's bad for you.

  6. pubs have been closing for years, especially rural ones.

    I've seen no amount of difference in the pubs I go to, they all just stay outside which is great. I just wish pubs kept smoking areas away from the enterance!

  7. No its not worth it.they should have allowed land lords to decide.If the majority are none smokers I am sure the pubs would have gone smoke free.If smoking is so bad & I believe it is how come the government do not stop the companies from making cigerettes we all know the answer the government make too much money in tax revenue.

  8. how many less non smokers are being diagnosed with cancer because of it?

  9. I quite agree with you - It's mad, but then again I heard a rumour that drinking is one of the next thing on Barmy Labours things to ban, so I doub't they give a monkeys.

  10. rather see 10 churches shut than 1 pub

  11. I can't say I've noticed pubs being any emptier since the ban last year in Scotland. Don't forget; the ban was brought in a year earlier so it's probably a better indication as to what effect it's had.

    Also; there are always pubs closing down, and new ones opening up. I think that the number of pubs closing solely because of the smoking ban is much smaller - if it's true at all.

  12. The 2nd hand smoke has been a liberal myth that has permeated society for years.  As a non smoker I think it is outrageous that a few impose penalites on people because of a bunch of nonsense. They don't for a lot of other public dirty habits in society.

    I think the pub owners should ban together.. start a private pub society, patrons will have to pay a yearly rate to use the pub, have a card to get in then can then smoke as much as they want. Those that do not like smoke in a pub can go to the smoke free pubs that will spring up that will be open to the public.

    There are certainly a lot of rules in a so called free society, isnt' there?

  13. THAT'S progress for you?

    how many hospitals will they close, if no one smoked, drank,or was overweight?

  14. they cant be any good these pubs because all the pubs and restaurants around me are packed. How many pubs were closing before the smoking ban, there are 2 within walking distance of my flat that closed before.

  15. No it isn't but then again thats what the governmentt have brought out so I guess the pubs have had to go with the ban but to close 26 pubs in a wk is alot

  16. yes. I dont go round to a smokers house and drink 10 pints of lager, throw up on there floor and p*ss on their toilet floor. So why should they force me to breathe in toxic fumes ?

  17. Here in Spain where similar laws came into force , the bar owners had the choice whether or not to declare THEIR bar a smoking establishment or non smoking. Unsurprisingly most opted to stick with the smokers, as a non smoker this does not bother me one bit because I also have the choice as to where I drink, and I still continue to drink in real spanish bars with real spanish smokers

  18. there was a lot of pubs that went to the wall when the drink driving ban came in,now there is the ban on smoking ,on the radio recently there was a discussion about what is a resonable time after finishing a meal should you leave the premises if you have children with you,witherspoons actually ask their patrons to leave after the parents have had two drinks. doesent big brother spring to mind?

  19. Only if the Pro Hunting Lobby stop moaning about how many jobs are lost because they can't rip up foxes anymore.

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