
Is it worth dragging children on long filghts for a "holiday" abroad or is it better to holiday nearer to home

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...and have a proper relaxing *Family* holiday?




  1. I took my children on a Spanish Holiday last year and the flight was only 2hours long.

    I think that this was long enough for them to encounter their first flight.  Also the youngest was only 18months at the time.

  2. Yes I think your daughter in law should take them to see her parents in London instead.  

    Oh right that gets bitched about too doesnt it?  You really are a nasty bitter woman (you arent even that old are you?).  I really hope that one day your son turns round and tells you to f right off for being so disrespectful to the woman he loves.  He will have say in how your grandchildren are brought up.

  3. de ja vu!!! think you better get used to this "torture" that is inflicted on your grandsons, your complaints last year didnt stop them enduring the "h**l" of a foriegn holiday and i doubt they will have much effect this year.

    It pains me to say that i'm sad enough to have been on here long enough to have seen your questions first time round and this year exactly the same. uniforms and teflon shorts were a big issue last year and yet again you have complained again about uniforms this the holiday again!! are we going to have the cub/sunday school/drama school/books/bedtimes/home cooked meals/working mother debate again and again...same questions...same answers...same head in the sand...why bother!

  4. no i dont think so, we have 3 little ones, age 7,6, and 20mths. we have a tourer caravan which we use for holidays, what we found was that as long as there was a park the kids really didnt mind how far we travelled on holidays. i got to be honest, it was the best decision we made to stick to caravaning with them rather than flying.

  5. i have had holidays abroad and in Britain with my kids in the last couple of years and can say wholeheartedly that the children loved so much more the foreign ones. it is so much more of an adventure and far from the flight being stressful it is the children's favourite party as it is exciting and rare. they get in the car several times a week so a car journey for 1 hour to a holiday camp in wales is not that special. (not that they are ungrateful)!! also it is not only the adults who relax more in the sun abroad. i find that when in the sun and with people of different nationalities my boys do not bicker or irritate each other at all and they play lovely together. after a foreign holiday they always seem more bonded although unfortunately this only last a few weeks before the arguing starts again!!!

  6. Joan don't you get fed up with asking horrible nasty spiteful questions all aimed at your poor daughter in law, cause to be honest these question make you seem VERY hateful and spiteful and one day i hope they walk away from your trying to control their lives ways ...Kids will love a holiday with their parents regardless of where they go and I'm sure your grandsons would love to go on a plane ... and your daughter in law away from you with a  break from your nastiness !

  7. Well, we do both.

  8. I travelled abroad on long haul journeys (places such as carribean and asia) since i was 5 years old and i actually enjoyed it.

    The flights never bothered me as i would sleep through most of them and the rest of the time i would be fascinated by looking out of the window.

    It will do the kids good to see another country and see a different culture.

  9. personally I feel I'd like to show my kids as much of the world as possible, this year we're having a British holiday, but thats because the twins are only 12wks tommorow so it would be a massive hassle to take them abroad, especially because I have other kids, actually we're lucky we're even going away this year, but hey the kids need a holiday! LOL

    We've been on loads of british holidays and yeah they're great, we went abroad last year though and the kids loved it, it's great for them to see the world, and as their parent I feel it's my responsibility to do everything in my power to make that happen!

  10. Some of my best childhood memories are of our holidays.  I loved going to airports and  seeing a new city. Not to mention hotels, pools and all the fun of going away.  I was never tired or exhausted it was lots of fun.  There are movies on long flights and  it was great.  I looked foward every summer to our trips and was really sad the few times we did  not have one

  11. IMO it's better to stay closer to home, both for the kids and the environment.

  12. It doesn't sound like YOU would enjoy a holiday abroad!  If it is a drag on you, it certainly will be on them.  Stay home and enjoy each other and have a proper relaxing "family" holiday.

  13. We went to Filey with our 4 about a fortnight ago, we live nr York, and they absolutely loved it. I don't think there is any need to travel so far yet but mine are all under 5 so we will venture further afield when they get older.

  14. They may not want a *proper* relaxing *family* holiday though.

  15. They would never forgive you if you don't take them with you.

  16. You have to be the worst mother in law ever to have been inflicted upon your daughter in law. I thought mine was bad, but you are an interfering, rude and sad woman.

    Let your son and your daughter in law get on with their own lives, I am tired of reading your irritating questions, you get me so wound up. At 29 weeks pregnant I don't need that.

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