
Is it worth drilling a well for the sole pupose of underground lawn sprinkling?

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for more background I allready have city water and like it but I hate paying the bill for summer wattering. also well watter is better for the lawn than city watter.




  1. You've got to figure how much extra you pay for water/sewage for just watering the lawn. Then how much for drilling a well. How long will it take to pay for itself? Is this acceptable? If so, go for it. But, as others have pointed out, be aware of water pressures and how much water is in the well. It is possible to suck it out faster than it filters in.

  2. I think the cost would be to hi for the purpose you nitend to use it for....:):)

  3. Well water is probably better for you too. It could be expensive though you will be charged by how many feet they have to drill. Best of Luck.

  4. and the reason you have to water a lawn is?????...... and you are so into green grass lawns that you'd spend bunches of money to just pour the water you pump OUT of the ground, back INTO the ground?????.... whoooooooo.......

  5. Ask any of your neighbors who might have wells how far they had to go down. They charge by how deep they have to drill. Over the course of quite a few years it might pay for itself, but the non-chlorinated water is obviously better for your garden.

  6. not sure were you live, i,m in p.a USA.and the cost of installing a well is 5000/7000 for the first 150ft and then gos buy the foot after that,better off installing rain barrels and a pumping system.i have a well and it was installed 11years ago at a cost of 5500,but i use rain barrels to water my plants and garden.only to save wear and tear on my well pump.if the pump fails it runs 1000/1500 to reinstall a new well is down 260ft

  7. a well is much better

  8. You should check to make sure it is legal for your to drill a well. If you live in the city I doubt you will be able to drill in your back yard. It is expensive to drill and then you have to have a pump. The pump isn't too bad. If you have a normal size yard, 1 to 2 acres, it will take several years to recover the cost of drilling and the pump.

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