
Is it worth filtering water?

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Is it worth filtering water?




  1. It is. coz if u dnt do tht u r going 2 hav serious troubles with ur health. water may contain harmful bacteria and othr microorganisms wich may do harm 2 ur health. nevr thnk twice b4 filtrering watr...

  2. It depends on where you live and what's in your water.  Most cities have water that is safer and healthier to drink then most bottled water.  Most cities put flouride in their water, bottled water does not.  Flourinated drinking water is one of the biggest reasons for the much improved dental records of Americans.  How many of your grand parents have false teeth?  Your parents probably have none.

  3. Yup.water is the best liquid for our body

  4. I think so

  5. Your question made me remember an article about how to make your own refill-filters.  Here's the link:

  6. i do, just to get all the junk out the tap water. it does make a difference taste wise.

  7. Yes!!!!

  8. YES! if you have young kid, definitely.  But it moslty depends on where you live.

  9. If you saw the residue on my water filter, you would agree with me that the answer is yes.

  10. yes. the grime and nastiness in the city pipes gets into the water, and minerals that you don't want to drink get in your water. trust me, its nasty!!

  11. i would guess it is if you really care about your health!?!?

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