
Is it worth getting a Mini Copper S?

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Is it worth getting a Mini Copper S?




  1. if you want fun to drive then yes, they are off the charts in the fun to drive category, Ive been trying to get my uncle to sell me his 04' for a while now.

    If you want gas milage or reliability then there are better cars out there, and there are cheaper cars out there to.

  2. yes they're fun and fuel efficient. not alot of storage. the website shows lots of other cool features if i could afford it or any type to say i get the MINI COOPER

  3. it's one of the most fun to drive cars on the planet.

    $25,000 is enough money to buy many other more practical vehicles but if you don't need to be practical, why  not have some fun.

  4. Oh yes that car is really fun to drive!!!

  5. It depends what you're looking for.  They are stylish, peppy, great on gas, and great handling (it is a BMW), but they are expensive for a compact (same with maintenance costs).  I really like the Minis but I'm going to wait a year until the 2010 Toyota IQ is released.  It's even smaller than the Mini, will have better gas mileage, expected to be half the price, and Japanese engineering is by far the most reliable.

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