
Is it worth getting a job in Business Administration?

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Well I want to go into Business Administration. I just want to know is it a good job to go into and would it be worth it




  1. it is if you dont have alot of qualifications i started out with just some computer qualifications for word processing and spreadsheets and stuff i started at my job as a trainee admin assistant after three months i was promoted to head sales and accounts administrator and i am currently being trained up as a sales rep in my company. but i might just have got lucky but bussiness admin pays quite well depending on expierience, you will have to start at the low end of the scale but if you pick a certain sector to specialise in such as accounts, law, purchasing or sales then you can be earning alot of money if you want to gain the qualification they do hundreds of them at colleges night time courses to, you might even be able to do a modern apprentaship depending on your age where you work on the job not alot of money but you get expierience and the qualification it really is a good way to go but don't end your goals there plan to keep training in different things because if you can be a administrator you can do anything lol

    good luck

  2. We are in the age of fancy names for jobs and impressive titles for mundane jobs. 20 years ago an 'Administrator' would have just been termed a Clerk. All it basically means is that you would be a general office worker, likely in the Sales side.

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