
Is it worth giving a X-Partner another chance ?

by Guest58178  |  earlier

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They run off for someone else then they want to come back days after cause it didn't turn out right.




  1. people do the dumpiness things for the most part we have to show forgiveness we are all humen.

  2. Why not if she wanted you back that is.

  3. I'd toss them a bone and would tell stop that d**n whining, here's a bone for them and scoot along now

  4. Thats ur call dude....

    just remeber youll always be waiting for the "next" guy who comes along.

  5. no. they will run again.

  6. It's up to you.  Personally no.  

  7. That's an easy one - NO. If they came back because they are truly remorseful for their actions, truly sorry, shows signs of change or soemthing along those lines - MAYBE (and that's a slim MAYBE). But just because it didn't work out with them and you know that's why they are coming back or they told you that's why they are coming back - THEN h**l NO!

  8. I would say no because if his little fling had turned out to be what he expected he would not be back at all. If he honestly loved you and respected that love he would never had it in him to run off with another person in the first place. If you do take him back this easily he will only learn from you that he could do it again because you would easily take him back. He has hurt you and disregarded your feelings and the trust will never be the same again and you will always be looking over your shoulder for the next bottom to fall out from under you again. If  they can think to want you back after turning your world upside down they could have easily thought not to do it before hand and after he handled somebody else's goods. At this point you don't even know if this other person had an std and has given it to him to and then be bringing it back to you. I would advise him to go see a doctor and be tested for all the sexual diseases out there because now he has been exposed to everyone that this person has ever been with. Never tolerate anyone abusing you no matter what you think you may still feel about them. Just because you care about someone does not mean that you can continue on with them because sometimes love just is not enough.

  9. Absolutely not.

  10. I wouldn't give an ex another chance if they left me for someone else, even if it was only for 1 day. They're likely to do it again if someone else turns their head. Remember why they're an ex.

  11. h**l NA

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