
Is it worth it? Gemeinhardt versus Muramatsu.?

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I'm a junior in high school, and i'm planning ahead for college. I plan on playing flute in college, so i've been reading up on what to learn, what kind of flute to get, etc. I've done the math, and the best flute I can get for college is a used Standard Muramatsu. (Really wanted a DS) It's open holes, inline G, B footjoint, solid silver, all that stuff, but is it really better than my only-owned-by-me 3SB Gemeinhardt? I've only ever played my old Armstrong (it's kinda a joke, $50 at a yard sale :)) and this Gemeinhardt. I've researched other brands, and I've decided on Muramatsu, but will be willing to try an Altus, Sankyo, etc if someone were to give me a testimony and what model they play. Thank you for your time! And I do have time, since I have about 2 more years until college.




  1. You will find ALL kinds of opinions here - but make sure that you know WHERE they are coming from!  Many years ago, Gemeinhardts were MUCH better than they have been lately.  There is NO COMPARISON between your Gemmie and the Mura - NONE!!!!  I happen to play a DS, and love it - but you should also be looking at OTHER flutes besides the Mura.  Go to, or ANY of the really good all-flute places - NOT a band instrument place like WW.BW!!!!!!!!!  Jeff Weissman, Carolyn Nussbaum, Jeff Smith, Phil Unger - all excellent.  See what THEY are selling for you situation.  Try an Azumi, Avanti, a nice Pearl or Trevor James, or a Brio, or one of the other fine makes that are under the wing of Big Names.  Have several sent to you to try.  You do not need to pick THE FINAL FLUTE - your teacher incollege will probably advise you to change at some point, anyway.

    I wish you much luck - this is VERY competitive - but you sound serious and committed.

  2. brands dont really mean anything, you have to go try them out and see which one you like best. i tried all the expensive ones and found i like gemeinhardts best

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