
Is it worth it for the homeless to get themselves locked up in prison so they can get free shelter and food?

by  |  earlier

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Those homeless people that barely eats 1 meal a day... and no house....




  1. Well, if it were 105 degrees out, & the ONLY food available were the stuff rotting in the Dumpsters; -wouldn't Prison start to look pretty good to YOU after awhile ??!  :0

  2. If it was, don't you think we'd see more of them in jail?

    I reckon the homeless have the same morals as the larger population (including the workshy) but some have fallen on unfortunate times - including alcoholism - and some cannot fit in with society's rules (let alone prison ones)

  3. It may be for the older ones three meals a day, recreation and free medical care, the drawback is they may have to work, most of them wouldnt be homeless if they were willing to work.

  4. I was homeless once and that never cross my mind once. It was easy to find part time work to get food and I used the homeless shelter and the park, sometimes, to sleep.  

  5. Well, haven't you heard of the expression, "Three hots and a cot"?   In Minnesota it's not uncommon for those citizens without a permanent roof over there head to seek out alcohol treatment or time in the workhouse if they can't winter in the southern states.   The only real problem here is that it's difficult to get locked up for more then 10 or 15 days at a time unless they do something serious...

  6. NO

    prison is much worse than being homeless.

    You question is mean spirited.

  7. Local jails and state prisons are full of just that kind of criminal.

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