
Is it worth it getting the game "The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess" on WII?

by Guest66826  |  earlier

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Is it worth it getting the game "The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess" on WII? Is it a good game? Pros and cons.




  1. yes awesome gameplay, plus long game runtime

  2. I think that it's good to get it because it has a good storyline and awesome gameplay

    I can't think of any cons.

  3. YES christ man you must buy it

  4. That Game was great and it was it a bit long to get everything and finish the game which is good thing because you don't want a short game. There are a lot of things to do and to collect. It was a great game to start the wii off and is still a great game.

  5. it's a good game overall.


    beautiful graphics, as far as Nintendo games go

    quite fun gameplay for Wii

    decent length that will keep you busy for a while

    it's a LoZ game!


    too easy by far

    limited side-quests, so the replayability isn't that good

    too much screen bloom (extreme lighting)

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