
Is it worth it staying in a relationship for the sake of the other person?

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This is a scenario a friend of mine is in.

He's 19 & his girlfriend is 17. Her dad won't allow them to be alone together because he thinks they will get up to all sorts of mischief. They have been together for 8 months & the relationship isn't going anywhere. He isn't happy with this & he now wants out of the relationship but he's scared of what it will do to his girlfriend if he ends the relationship. Should he stay with her or end the relationship?




  1. life is too short to waste time

  2. is to short, it is anyway a waste of time to be in a serious relationship when you are so young, then is the time to date hundreds of girls and have a good time. Anyway at 17 where is the relationship suppose to go to?

  3. I can see were the difficaulty is here.

    He wants out then he must get out.

  4. If he's going to stay and be miserable then it's not worth it. But if he's willing to make the sacrifice to stay & still have hope, then its ok.

  5. Tough one.....

    In the relationship not going anywhere, does he mean he wants to be alone with her so he can get up to mischief?

    If thats all it takes to make him want to leave, then he's not really in love. Love comes with patience and if you cant be patient you will never really learn to deal with an actual relationship which demands the utmost patience. He'll never be patient with anything in life. B waited 6 years to finally be with me and my first had to wait 2 years before he could pop my cherry. Nothing comes easy, if it does you hardly have much respect for it. If something was/is hard to obtain, it makes it worth it at the end of the day. Thats why after all the millions of fights I've had with my partner and the crazy moments of hurling empty disc covers he still makes sure we remain together because 6 years isnt childs play....The harder things are to obtain, the more important they are to one.

  6. In the end it is what you both want, or you will end up resenting the other

  7. You know it's sad when parents get in the way like this. Perhaps her dad has good reason too but if mine was to do this I'd resent him and probably elope with my boyfriend lol

    He must not stay in the relationship if his heart it not in it. Not only is he lying to her but to himself as well. He really needs to think this out. They are still young individuals and it won't be the end of the world if they choose to go their separate ways.

    However, if he is to leave her he must be sure about this and not keep coming and going in and out of her life. It only makes it harder and he'll damage the girl even more. He must be an adult about this!

    I wish him luck!

  8. In a word... no.

  9. The relationship is at a standstill since it cannot go forward (she is too young....Dad won't let her).

    Does he want to wait till she is 18? At 18 will she be able to make  her own decisions or will Dad still have a say (if she is  under his roof)

    Would he want to marry her or just "play around" with her. If he is not serious about a future with her (marriage) then she might be better off if he does end the relationship.

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