
Is it worth it to buy a crash pad? I only climb/boulder once a week?

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Is it worth it to buy a crash pad? I only climb/boulder once a week?




  1. Can you rent one?

  2. Most climb walls have their own crash pads.  If it's outdoor climbing you're into, then you don't really need a crash pad, as you should be harnessed up and shouldn't ever fall really.  For bouldering, just don't go too high and you won't really need a crash pad.

    They are quite expensive too, but if you relaly feel the need to get on, why not club together with a couple of climbing buddies to split the cost??

  3. Surely the whole point of a mat is for if or when you take a drop....and that drop only needs to be once and the mat has justified it's cost.

    In an ideal world we wouldn't have to buy mats...or ropes and harnesses for that matter and none of that expensive belay gear because we'd never fall so would never need any of it.

    Same argument isn't it?

    The mat is there for a purpose and only you can answer if that purpose is worth the cost.

    I'd suggest you weigh the one off cost against your health.....

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