
Is it worth it to double major in finance and accounting?

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Hey, I am considering doing a double major in business (finance) and accounting. I can do it in 4 years, I would just have a tight schedule with a tougher work load and not be able to take any elective classes that seem interesting. Is it worth it to risk a better GPA if I were just to mahjor in accounting? How does it benefit me if I want to go into financial services (corporate finance, i-banking, private equity, hedge fund, venture capital...) and/or corp. finance in energy or healthcare?




  1. I agree with Joe_know_it_all, if you have finance you can learn the accounting as you go along. What you do need is the Math behind it. I'm doing a hybrid masters and everywhere I go they tell me its really hard to find students with the right combination of finance and math. So if you can double major Finance and Math you'd be set

  2. Finance and accounting are an excellent combination.  At least get a minor in accounting.  You need the financial accounting to understand how the numbers are derived for finance.  Also there is more money in finance.  But, accountants have better job security.  More regulations and complexity mean job security.

  3. I actually did major in both Accounting and Economics in college. I then went on to business school, which really only required an GMAT. I currently work in financial services, and my college background made no real difference.

    I took the economics double major because an accounting degree requires about 5 economic classes and it was only 5 more to complete.

    The accounting degree did amount to something, I'm actually going to sit for the CPA exam (unrelated to what I do, but worthwhile nonetheless).

    The worth of my economics degree? I can't say much. I got the basic education from the accounting degree. In your case with limited time, I'd skip the extra economics classes. Get your CPA or go to a good graduate school -- those things will get you a good job.

  4. There is no such thing as too much education, especially if you get good grades.

    In the securities industry, you will need a good working knowledge of accounting, statistics, economics.  

    If you get good grades in all of these subjects you should do well.

    Many of the larger firms or banks prefer you to have a masters, but that's mostly for show and an indication that you have taken an extra step in the academic world.

    If your on a roll taking elective, make sure one of them is  in computer business applications. Make sure you know your way around data bases, and othe business applications

    If you can found time to get a summer job or a parttime one in the securities industry - go for it, if you can't get into the securities industyr, try accounting.

    Relax, don't worry, study, get good grades, and you'll do every well.  Remember, if you want it bad enough you'll get it.

  5. i would major in one, finance and minor in accounting.. accounting is basic finanace unless you decide to become a CPA.  but i majored in finance w/ a minor in accounting and got a finance job that incorporates  accounting. it worked out well

  6. didn;t you ask this last week? - whichever way your career goes, you'll be wasting the other one and you will have killed yourself in school for nothing

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