
Is it worth it to drive 28 ( miles 40 minutes ) back and fourth every day for a really great job?

by Guest58919  |  earlier

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I'll also be doing online and/or normal college part-time too.




  1. Lots of people do that and much more.

    I moved countries for a job and so has my son.

    You said a really great job!!

    Its worth it.

  2. Well, I'm doing 45 miles each way every day. I like my job a lot better, but it's extremely tiring and I don't have as much time to do some things I'd like (yet I manage to do them). I've had miserable jobs with very short commutes, and ultimately I got so I couldn't bear it anymore. I live with the commute so I can stay in the house I love in the town I enjoy.

    How are the roads? Do you live where it's snowy and icy in the winter?

    As you can tell, there are a lot of factors to consider. This might not be my job for forever, and the drive may be one factor, but not the only one.

    Good luck!

  3. That is a perfectly reasonable commute and you will acclimate to it quickly. There is nothing better than liking your job.

    What good would a lousy job nearby be?!

    Good Luck

  4. Absolutely!  40 minutes isn't a lot. Drink coffee, listen to the radio, eat a bagel. You'll love it!

  5. You must not live near Atlanta! That's a short commute here! Interstate speeds approaching 25 mph at times!

  6. Not for million bucks, not in a million years...!!

    Traffic chaos, stress of getting there in winter time and back home to kids in winter....whew..! I am glad I'm not one of them.

    You say you work online? So stay that way. Stay focussed in your work at home.

    Contrary to popular belief, working from home is not easy. You have to be extremely disciplined. I commend you for doing just that. And you do college part-time. Have you considered doing courses online? It is just as valid and it will not be so different from your online work.

  7. sure, thats nothing i do it every day - twice.  the odd time 4 times a day.

  8. depends on how good the pay is?

  9. I think I'd drive 100 miles for a really great job, but all I have is an alright job, so I limit my commute to 80 miles round trip.

  10. 28 miles round trip? Man, I'd love that.

    That's actually not too bad. If that 40 minutes is due to traffic, ask your boss if you can get your hours changed to before or after rush hour.

    28 miles is better than my 160 mile trip from home to work to school and back home.

  11. Depends on where you are talking about.

    Here in your National Capitol, 28 miles is only around the corner.

    If you are earning enough money to justify the distance and the time, then yea go for it.

    This is my help from Washington, DC U.S.A.

  12. As long as it makes you happy and you can afford the gas, why not?

  13. Well I'd say if the pay was good , you enjoy the work and co-workers...then yes. My cousin travels close to 40 miles to his job and believe me the pay aint that great but he likes the work and his co-workers. His comute is mostly highway miles tho ...if it were in the city with stop and go traffic then the gas situtation might be another factor.

  14. yes very good opportunity that is under the US average go for it.

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