
Is it worth it to spend the money on flight training?

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Let's say I'm between 35-40yrs. old

I love flight

I despise my job - even though I make good money (100K plus)

I want to be an airline pilot and I can't shake the feeling since I was a kid.




  1. This is a question you'll have to answer for yourself in the long run. I have friends who are corporate/airline pilots. Just quoting from their experience, flight school is expensive. You will most likely want to attend a school that offers a multi-engine commercial instrument rating to start. You can get a job as a first officer with some commuter airlines with as little as 500 hours from what I have been told. Pay won't be great though. You won't make a whole lot of money until you have at least 5 years in. Most flight schools run  anywhere from $45,000 to about $70,000 and take 1-2 years to complete.

    These are just general, round numbers. I'm sure some of the corporate pilots on here can give you some more specifics. And, remember, the FAA just raised the mandatory retirement age for airline pilots from 60 to 65.

    If its your dream and will make you happy, there's no time like the present.

  2. You're the only one who can answer that question.

  3. I can honestly say I've never encountered anyone who said, "Wish I didn't spend all that money flying"... Never.  Flying is a truly amazing experience, and you'll likely never look back.  Life is short, do what will make you happy.

      Best of luck

  4. Hi,

    I don't want to make you feel low but most airlines will not accept pilots who have just trained after the age of 25. So before you spend all the money you should talk to the airlines recruitment team to make sure they will take you, but I wish you all the best and hope you get to achieve your life's goal.

  5. If you are trying to justify the expense logically, you can't.  

    It's what they call 'buying an emotion'; the same reason people will drop $500,000 on a Ferrari that won't get you through traffic any faster than a Honda.

    To get the qualifications to be an airline pilot, you will have to spend between $50,000-$70,000.  You will probably need to spend two years of flying two to three times a week (between 1 and 3 hrs per flight) to get your commercial license (or certificate if you are in the US) or you could go full time and do it in as little as one year.

    This will get you a job as a flight instructor or as a pilot for a small charter operation.  Long hours, low pay ($20-$30K), no job security, and a million other low time pilots willing to do your job for free.  After about ten years of working up through the regionals ($25-$50K) you can get on as a first officer with an airline starting at between $30-$40K.  You are at the bottom of the seniority list so you get the crappy routes and the last pick for vacation time.

    By this time you will be 45-50, about the time most pilots who started out from out of high school and worked their way to the airlines are captains.  At your age, the major airlines might not even hire you.

    It is up to you what you want to do.  I love my piloting job (even though I am not an airline pilot) and I wouldn't do anything else.

  6. ttly

  7. Go for it. but dont waste your money on a flight school it will take to long. go find an instructor at your local airport. Big flight schools are not the only options. research pilot pay at the regional level it will make you fall out of chair laughing. Were talking as little as 17k I AM NOT KIDDING. But the regionals will like you cause all there pilots look like they dont shave yet, so they will like you. Dont get all your flight time by being an instructor its makes for a horrible pilot cause you never actually fly the aircraft, fly jumpers or pipelines or something if you can.

  8. Most airline pilots are ex-military,and you'd need many hours experience and a multi engine rating,but it is possible.

  9. go for it  I am 40 and sold my distribution business to be a truckdriver and see the country. if it is something that you persue please do it so you don't regret it later in life. and good luck and i wish you much sucsess in your future endeavors!!!

  10. This is as simple as I can put it

    You live one life!!

    Live life to the fullest, it ain't about the money that makes people happy, its loving what they do!! and enjoying life!!

    I say do it!!!! Best of luck to you and hope these words of encouragement help you

    PS... I am going to school to be a pilot and I personally know 2 people one 42 and one 38 that just got hired into the airlines.

  11. I know exactly what you are going through.  Trust me dude just do it and fly.  if you get bored of it, then don't get any ratings past your private pilot license...I was a lawyer and I would rather fly for food than make six figures...You may not make it past the regionals but take an intro flight to see if you like being in control first.  Then make the commitment....

    This is a question only you can answer after a few flights..

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