
Is it worth it to take a girl out to eat for 50 bucks when you are a broke joke?

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Is it worth it to take a girl out to eat for 50 bucks when you are a broke joke?




  1. Sushi baby at lLas Vegas

  2. Don't pretend to be someone your not. Because, when you can't live up to who your pretending to be , She's gone. Be yourself and find the one that Loves that person. You might want to stick to the $ menu for now.

  3. It all depends if the girl is worth it.

  4. It isnt neccessary, just a fast food joint will do.

  5. When I first started dating my husband, he wanted to buy me a hamburger lunch.  I said no (we were working together at the time).  For our first date, he took me to a restaurant that cost him $100 (or more) for our meals.  He did it because he didn't want me to think he was cheap and because he wanted me to know how much he thought of me.  I certainly don't expect $100 meals now because we're so broke (young family now), but the restaurants around us all cost about $50 for a meal with a glass of wine (ie: East Side Mario's).

    Like Solomon said, wait to date until you can show that you are made of better stuff, when you are employed and have your life in order.

  6. Depends on your motives. If you want to get her in the sack, yes. But for a long term relationship, no. Are you worried she will fly, if your broke? Then she is the wrong girl for you. Also, not being able to get a girl cause your broke will drive you to do better in life. Hold off dating, 'til your financially stable.Truely, you don't want to be in a relationship where you can't do things you both want to do. Free things last only so long. And how are you going to care her without doing better financially. Save the fifty bucks, and invest in your financial future. As the saying goes, 'learn to fish today, so you can feed her and you tomorrow. (That means, get an education or trade, or investment that will provide for you both in the future).

  7. Nope, not even when you aren't broke.

  8. it shouldnt cost so much to impress someone if shes interested in you it wouldnt matter if it was even $5

  9. No. If she's really feeling you I think she'll understand if you go some where less expensive for eats.

  10. Take her to a grocery store. Buy ingredients for something simple, like spaghetti, go home and cook a meal together.

  11. I bet if you cooked something at home instead , you could probably spend less and she may like the idea of you cooking  a meal for the two of you more than going out.

  12. You take an girl out to do what you can afford. Don't try to be someone you are not. There are other ways that are much more meaningful to show you care.

  13. nope..PB&J should be good enough

  14. No - if she is truly interested in you it wouldn't matter if you went to Taco Bell for dinner. It's the company that is supposed to be priceless, not the meal.

  15. Not really dude unless she's in love w/ u n u r in love w/ her. Either way, u should always leave some $$$ 4 a rainy day. I would prepare some good sandwiches, buy something 2 drink n perhaps a nice piece of pie 4 desert n take her out on a picnic.

  16. I would say no.  There's nothing wrong with conserving your finances when you're low on cash.

    And honestly, one of my favorite most romantic dates is late night walks under the stars.


    And if it's a teency bit cold, that's even more perfect.  You can show her your chivalry by offering your jacket or she may move closer for the warmth.

    I am a little childish I guess, but I really enjoy cheap dates.  Usually they have more thought put into them anyway.


  17. begin as you mean to continue.  If you take a girl out and spend $50 on the first meal, she may expect that more often than you can afford.  If being broke is a regular thing, then there are MANY cheaper things you can do to get to know someone on a budget.  There are free concerts, live music downtown, festivals to check out.  Feed the ducks at a park, eat a local place that is cool, but not as expensive.  Check out your local paper, most cities have a seperate paper for entertainment, local bands, music, food and community activities.  Be yourself, and if your not a Trump, don't pretend to be one.  There's nothing wrong with you being you.  The right person will accept you how you are.  A little thoughtfulness goes a long way.  Put thought into it and you can't miss.

  18. Get a movie and a pizza.  Show up with the movie and a bunch of flowers and maybe some Ben and Jerry's ice cream.   Have the pizza delivered already paid for.

    This makes for a relaxing evening.  If you feel like going dancing, that's for after dinner!

  19. Sure why not? If shes not just out for money then it should be great, you dont need to have alot of money to impress a decent woman. Besides we are not longer in the stone age, women have equal rights so she could pay for her own meal.

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