
Is it worth it to take calculus?

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I haven't picked out a major. I want to drop my AP calc class and take accounting 1. I'm a senior and my schedule as of now is computers, calc, american lit, advanced marketing, ap physics, human anatomy, and chamber choir. should i drop?




  1. Take calculus. I took it in my senior year and it was so worth it because you learn more math and it sometimes helps you advance to other math courses in college. Plus high school calc is easier than college calc

    Take it!  

  2. It's never the best idea to drop math your senior year, simply because when you enter college, it will have been over a year since you took a math class, and you could get put into a lower lever math class. You'd feel stupid even though you're obviously not.

    However, accounting would be the best alternative if you absolutely must drop math...I'd stick with math. It'll look better on your college application.  

  3. It depends on what career path you're thinking about taking. If it's anything related to engineering, computers, pretty much most sciences, then you definetely should not drop that class.

    I remember being overwhelmed by honors algebra during junior year in high school, and I almost dropped the class to get into college prep algebra. The counselor didn't allow it for some reason, and it's a good thing too because it payed off. Next year, I was very prepared for pre-calc. and was at the top of the class. It lifted my spirit to see such a big change.

    Personally, I think the most important classes you're taking are calculus and physics because those are the courses you'll take again in college, though I hear high schools can't teach physics well.

  4. Calculus is very important... especially if you are in high school... bc calculus is easier in high school... plus think for a second what you want to be; b/c Math is used in every job and the higher math youve had the better job you'll get... its all about thinking about your future!

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