
Is it worth making a complaint against my driving instructor?

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I have been learning to drive with a driving instructor who is franchised from the AA, but he is a terrible instructor! He would drive with one hand on the wheel, slag off his other pupils, talk on his phone during my lesson.... I had 12 lessons with him at £20 an hour and was still driving in second gear doing left and right turns, and was still unsure of how to stop a car properley at a junction as he never told me.

I now have a new instructor but he says that he is starting me as if i have never driven a car before as what my old instructor taught me was wrong and i have learnt basically nothing with him, so i spent 12 hours and £240 to be at the same position as a novice learner. Should i complain about him, and if so could i claim my money back as i have not learnt anything?




  1. I would complain as that is a lot of money down the drain.... I don't think that you would be able to get any money back but i would be really pissed about loosing  ÃƒÂ‚£240

  2. theres no point my freind had the same probs but they said theres nothing they can do about it

  3. Report the instructor to the DSA and to AA head office,not your local branch. Also keep a log of your progress with your new instructor as a lesson by lesson comparison.I would like to know the average number of lessons taken by this rogue`s pupils before they got to test standard,if indeed they did.

        I know it`s a hassle for you but for the sake of all his future pupils,please don`t let it drop ,and I hope you get your money back.Good luck.

  4. On the phone during lessons!!

    Report him to the AA, and then the DSA (Driving Standards Agency).

    The DSA examiners are responsible for check testing his ability to teach and his conduct.  If you contact them, it will carry more weight than just reporting him to the AA.  They are after his money (via franchise fee) so he may only get a 'ticking off' from them.  

    If he's that type of instructor it will go in one ear and out the other.

    Contact the DSA and report him.  There's too many bad instructors out there and they need to be weeded out leaving good instructors  who give good value for money.

  5. Yes! if for no other reason then talking on the phone in a lesson.

    Star with the driving school head office and take it from there. They may choose to pay out to avoid publicity.

  6. I would make a complaint, ask for your money back

  7. You should deffinatly make a formal complaint, he doesnt deserve to caryy on teaching if he hasnt got the passion for it. Plus you complaining may prompt other people who found him useless to speak out. You should also get your money back.

  8. I'm going to assume that you are located in the UK?

    Surely there has to be a regulating government body that tests and licenses driving isntructors ?? So I'd make a complaint to that body, and make it in writting.

    Cite your instructor's un-proffessional behaviour. List the problems. Don't talk about the second instructor.

    Did you also take classroom lessons ? How many hours did you practice driving  in the car, on your own time ?  My point is that just like a regular school program, you need to do work, away from the  driving instructor, to be come a better driver.

    Jim B. Toronto.

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