
Is it worth me watching any of the following films? ?

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Longest yard

scorpion king-just watched mummy 3 and it was c**p



national treasure

there will be blood

bucket list

the usual suspects

bank job





never back down

cidade de deus

be kind rewind

Do you like any of these films, and do you recommend any




  1. i highly recommend There Will be Blood.

    Superbad was funny, although still a teen comedy romp-fest.

    Be Kind Rewind was sweet and scrappy.

  2. I am a Navy vet  1968-1972....The best war movie about Vietnam is "Full Metal Jacket"  Watch it when you will not be interrupted.

    After all the dust has settled, watch Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" and "We Were Soldiers".  By the way, in "Soldiers" there is a helicopter pilot who MedEvacs hundreds from the battlefield.  The real pilot, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient.  Died today.  he was 80.......Duty, Honor, Country

  3. Well i would deffo recommend The Longest Yard, as its quite funny, Adam Sandler is hilarious in all of his films!

    Scorpion king i personally did not enjoy, along with the mummy 3, i think they ruined the mummy films by making these and shld hve just kept it to the first and second mummy.

    I haven't seen all of the films you have listed but these ones i like: Longest yard, national treasure (Second one 'Book of secrets' is also good), Equilibrium is okay but not one of my favourites!

    The rest am not so keen on!

  4. I would recommend watching the following:



    national treasure

    there will be blood

    the usual suspects

    bank job



  5. there will be blood, ciudade de deus(aka city of god), casino, equilibrium are all amazing movies

  6. The Usual Suspects = Best. Plot. Twist. EVER.

    It's SO worth your time to watch, and after you watch it you'll wish you could un-watch it just so you can be surprised by the ending again.

    National Treasure is OK if you're bored, or just want to see something cheesy.

  7. national treasure especially the second one, and superbad

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