
Is it worth paying down a high bal/limit credit card?

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My husband and I use a low % of our available credit (<10%). Our balance is weighted heavily to one card that has a 0% interest deal for a year. The card has a low limit of $2000 and the balance is $1500 (we're using 75% of the limit). The balance will be paid off before the interest jumps to 9% next year, so we'd prefer not to dip into our savings to pay down the card. The issue is that we are planning on buying a condo this year. Our credit scores are in the upper 700's. Is it really worth paying down this 0% card early?




  1. From a speculative point of view,

    (1) paying off the balance &lt;10% of your available credit would not drastically raise your score.

    (2) heard about lender&#039;s point of view that utilizing some credit and managing it wisely (not missing payments) reflect positively. (can even raise your score?), instead of inactivity.

    (3) Credit score at &gt;700 may mean, any future loan terms may be already helped by credit score decisions, but to be leveled with other factors such as income, credit history, work history and size of loan depending on the lender.

    After saying all that, &quot;I wouldn&#039;t worry much since lenders are more subjective these days&quot;.(if you know what I mean).

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