
Is it worth playing with the stock market yet? Will it drop even futher??

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Is there a fast buck to be made here? will the stocks ever reach the levels they have done, or in your opinion will it take at least a few years to recover??

when is the right time to buy???




  1. It's always worth being in the market since good traders and/or investors make money in both good and bad markets.

    But they don't play in the market, only the immature play, serious people invest and/or trade.

    No one knows if the market will drop further any more than any one can tell what the weather will be like next Friday.

    Yes there is a fast buck that can be made, but you have to know what you are doing in the market.

    Yes the market will reach there previous levels and probably will exceed them since any one that know anything about the market knows that markets go up AND they go down, they don't go up OR down.

    In my opinion it will not take a few years to recover depending on how the elections go and if we can have a major change in the make up of our current Congress.

    It's always the "right" time to buy the "right" stock

  2. Nobody knows.

    I think it's a bit early to believe that the banking crisis has finished and whether the oil price will come down some more.

    We're on the edge of a world recession which could take at least a year or two to decide how deep it will go, so I think stocks have quite a way to fall yet.

    Then again, with inflation figures as they are, just holding onto cash is a bad idea too.

  3. I don't play the stock market. I invest and I trade. Asking if this is the right time to do so is.......... a losers game.

    Read several books on investing.  Make a plan.  Follow the plan.  No one on the planet knows when the market will go up or down. But..... with some simple education.... you can do well.

    If you're lazy..... just get some good Mutual Funds (T. Rowe Price, Dodge & Cox, Vanguard etc) and dollar cost average every month for the next 30 years....... you'll do fine!

  4. Some experts say to begin nibbling on the bank and financial stocks.  Some say there is more price pain to come.  Whether that price pain is major or not depends upon the reliability of the data and continued write downs.  Because of the difficulty of valuating the investment bank book values, no one is comfortable with going "all in" at this time. The fact that a few banks are still failing is evidence it's not over, but you will likely see periodic jumps like the last two weeks when federal support aligns.  Use close stops and don't apply a "fire and forget" buy and hold strategy.  You can try any strategy, as long as you generate the attention required, and place your stops tight enough to balance the potential gain against the potential loss.  Things can move up or down very quickly in this market, so be careful.

  5. I would talk to an advisor. Mutal Funds are a little safer because they contain various stocks. So, funds are diversified. If one stock does bad, maybe another one is doing better. With funds you do not put all of your faith in one stock. So, they may be more reliable. The stock market, historically, does go through ups and downs. Usually, the market bounces back. People do not have a lot of confidence right now in the stock market. But it could still bounce back. I still think real estate (owing your own home) and CD's are the most reliable investments. Take care.

  6. The market goes up AND down, not up OR down. No one knows when it will bottom out, and when it recovers no one can predict with accuracy exactly in which direction it will recover. As a previous responder suggested, see a financial adviser and develop a diversified portfolio based on your tolerance of risk. Low risk equals low returns. High risk equals high returns. Market volatility is the price more aggressive investors pay for higher returns over time. It may not be for everyone.

  7. it seems like now is a good time to invest, because stocks have gotten a lot cheaper.  You might want to create a practice portfolio of stocks or funds at - it's free - and see how you do.

  8. "Playing" the stock market is a poor choice. "Investing" in the stock market is an intelligent one. In looking to make a "fast buck" you will most likely lose. Think about investing for the long term and it's always a good time to buy. Good luck.

  9. Why do you care if the stock market goes up or down???

    Why don't you use Financial Spread Betting or Contracts for Difference??? Don't you think it's convenient? Just visit , they compare lots of spread betting and cfd accounts. Chose the cheapest one and buy and sell stocks.

    Have fun

  10. there are still alot of things to be concerned about. With stocks and paper assets so heavily tied to banking interests, and the FED apparently content to drive the value of the dollar down, you may be better served buying some gold and stashing it.

    The int'l economies have started slowing, and tech (like GOOG, AAPL, MSFT) have shown weakness with an overall downward earnings/forecast just from Q1 to Q2 '08.; this could be taken that the recesion is just beginning. I wouldnt buy financials either, nor retail as the consumer is weighted down with gas prices, debt payments, and living well beyond thei means (even though oil is down, gas prices are still at 4.5 gallon!, and i expect these greedy ^%$# to keep it that way).

    So that leaves very little in the way of risking capital in the stock market now: i've been playing it since the bear stearns debacle and its been very tough.

    if you decide to start ""gambling" with an online broker casino account, dont forget these clowns dont know what the h**l is going to happen; their "professional advice" is c**p. be prepared for significant losses, I wouldnt look at it until the DOW hits below 9,000.

    good luck.

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