
Is it worth protesting about?

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I want to start a protest against zoos in america and perhaps around the world. i think it's awful that people take animals from their habitat and family for people's enjoyment.

i want everybody to know how bad this is. but where do i start. i doubt anybody with support me. are there any web sites that you can write articles freely where tons of people look at them?

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  1. i hate to see animals caged, but i fear it will be the only alternative for some species before long. we have a zoo here in Ashboro NC, it has lots of space for the animals and natural surrounding for them as much as possible, you should visit it and see how well it is run;

  2. Unfortunately there are some zoos that capture animals for there "exhibits" but a great majority of zoos use rescued animals that can not be re-released back into the wild because of there socialization during a recovery process, so these animals are better off because they are protected...Also many zoos help endagered species like the California Condor build there species back up to less dangerous numbers...

  3. Do you have a pet at home?  Think about it.

  4. Do you eat animals or use any other resource that is derived from animals? If so, no it is not worth the protest seeing that you benefit from people taking animals from their habitat and family for your enjoyment. It's like a FEMA activist who loves to eat KFC. Good Luck.

  5. I understand your plight. But, I have a different take on the situation. It seems to me that once something becomes a part of someone's life, they are more likely to be more sympathetic their struggles. So what I'm saying is that when kids go to the zoo and they see these neat animals, they are more likely to want to protect their naturaly habitat. But that's just my opinion.

  6. start a blog

    write a petition at

    look we are destroying the natural habitat of most animals. i believe that zoos are the only way to make sure they dont go extinct. this is a way to keep an eye on them and raise awareness.

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