
Is it worth retaking a college bio class that I got a C in???

by  |  earlier

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I'm taking a summer class in college and am not doing that great. I think I'm going to get a C in the biology class. I wanna retake it later cuz I think I can do alot better next time cuz the summer pace is too fast for me. Half of me wants to just forget the C and just do well in my other classes, but half of me wants to retake it and do well next time. So far, I have no C's on my transcript and either A's or B's in my biology/chem classes, so I'm kinda scared if the C will hurt my GPA.




  1. I would if I could but it also depends on your major. If it has Anything  to due with medicine Its a Must.

    And its not a C yet, its just a Number. Don't worry about retaking it if you can still get an A. (Which I know you can!)

  2. Well, there's no question it will bring your GPA down a bit, but are you sure you can retake it?  Most colleges won't let you retake a class you passed.  Passing is a D in a class that's not required for a major, and a C in major classes.  Talk to your academic adviser or check out your handbook for find your college's policies on re-takes.

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