
Is it worth saving almost $4000-$5000 for a trip to Japan?

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I am really going next summer and I just want to ask someone who has been there, is it worth the trouble? I heard that it was okay, but I don't want my experience to be "okay", I want it to be an unforgettable one.




  1. This is only a question you can answer. Do you have a love for Japan, her culture and people ? Or do you think it's all about Ninja, anime and Godzilla ?

    It's all about why you want to go there. It can be a waste of time or the gift of a lifetime. It's all a matter of perception.

  2. Well it all depends on you. Some people go and love it like myself others don't. It depends on your own interests, expectations, and attitude.

    Why did you pick Japan as a destination? If you are interested in Japan then it is worth it if you just randomly picked it or had an offer presented to you then you need to do research and decide if you can get anything from it.

    The trip will be as good or bad as you make it I think. Japan is very diverse so just about anyone can find something interesting.

    No matter what it will be an experience. How many people do you know that have been? You will see things and do things your friends and family never tried which is pretty cool. You will have good stories to tell and maybe good photo's and things too.

    The person above said buy clothes. That is crazy to me. Clothes go out of fashion and get worn out. The memories you make will last a lifetime and the knowledge you gain will make you a more interesting person.

  3. If you expect Japan and Japanese people to be same or similar to other Asian countries whose people are very kind to foreigners, I don't recommend for you to go to Japan. Japan is an advanced country like the US. They are never friendly for your money like other Asian countries.

    Unfortunately, many western people tend to be disappointed at Japan and the people because they just wanna believe Japanese people are friendly like Thai people due to both Asia. But Japan is a business country, so people are not very interested in tourists. Of course, if you ask for help, some will be willing to help you.

    Have a fun

  4. no spend it on clothes !!!!!!!!!!

    go to france or something if u wanna go somewhere fun and unforgettable

    and clothes you get to keep and can't keep japan hahah

  5. Yes it's worth it. I had a lot of fun and plan to go again as often as possible. But it's different for everyone, if you are one of the many people interested in Japanese or Asian cultures then you will like it regardless of what happens while you are there. If you, on the other hand, are some boring uncultured typical person, then just go to some cliché place like Paris instead and save your money.

  6. Do you really want to go? I've never been to Japan, but responses have been that it's amazing and that it's worth the money.

    Don't go based on other people's opinions, if you want to go then go. The only reason someone said it was just okay was because he or she didn't open up their mind to new experiences.

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