
Is it worth spend 1K sending a 13 year old to new orleans by him self by rail?

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its to go see a friend




  1. Where do you live at.  He could go by plane cheaper.  From San Antonio, Texas to Chicago the rail was like $300.  If you are in Texas, give me the money and I will personally drive him to New Orleans for that kind of change and meals included.

    So who is ripping you off or is someone buying the ticket for you and they are telling you what the "ticket costs."  If you buy the ticket yourself by rail ahead of time enough you can get a big discount.  But I would call the rail company myself.  Something is not right.

  2. no, trains are a novelty now.  this is a terrible deal.  you can buy roundtrip airfare for less than half that price to and from anywhere in the US.  the train is slow and usually unsanitary, and if you are worried about safety, it's mostly unmonitored and probably there will be some overnight time.  If it's money, bid a price on  you can find some great deals online.  but trains?  no way.  I just recently went across two states by train, and there were so many weirdos i was trapped with for 48 hours, and they did not clean the bathrooms or pump the sewage at the stops, so I was smelling fecal matter the whole time.

  3. depends.. is he gonna go down there and get a million dollars or some drugs?

  4. That seems to be way too expensive for a trip. That must be with a sleeping room on the train at that price.

    I definatly don't think it's worth spending that kind of money for the trip. For one thing, you could do the trip for way cheaper by booking an airline ticket.

    Second of all, trains aren't exactly as good as they use to be. 2 years ago my mother and I took a train from Washington state to California and it was just horrible. It was almost a day late, it stops constantly, and was quite uncomfortable.

    Also, at least with plans (I don't know if trains do this) you can pay a little extra to have an escort for underage children. This way someone would show him to the plain and also once the child gets off the plane and that way you'd know someone was taking care of him.

    If for some reason train is the only way to go, I'd still say that's way too expensive for a train trip.

  5. That all depends on if you like the child and want him back. I noticed you didn't mention a return ticket :)

  6. Unfortunately, traveling by rail isn't what it used to be.  It's not as comfortable, the food isn't all that great, it's slow and the prices are astronomical.  It would be a whole lot cheaper, and faster, if this young man traveled by air rather than rail.  I just went round trip from San Francisco to Florida for $222.  Check out prices at or

  7. That would totally depend on the reason for the trip.

  8. The kid would have the time of his life!  I assume he's requesting this.  What a blast.  Amtrak has rules for unaccompanied minors, might want to double check those, especially who they release him to at the other end.

    Yeah you could fly him lots cheaper.  So what?

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