
Is it worth the effort!?

by  |  earlier

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ok some of u will critisize this question but please answer honestly.

How would you suggest four females to slaughter & butcher a medium sized pig with the basic tools available for a feasting?

And do you think the pig is worth the effort and why?

Could be done by paid butcher but that is not to be considered here.




  1. u can certainly kill it with the basic tools but  it is certainly not worth as it must have had yucky things before death which u must touch instead be good by not killing it .

  2. I,honestly, don't believe that you have the proper equipment to kill, drain-out, and butcher a pig.  It certainly is not worth the health risks you would be taking.

  3. Listen here sweet hart. I'm not criticising; but it is pretty funny. And I am going to help you. Are you just doing this for fun or are you going to eat it?

    If it is for fun then just kill the damb thing and make it painfull.

    If your going to eat it :

    1)    lay the pig on large drop cloth to catch any blood.

    2)    first cut off the head; then cut it open on the stomach.

    3)    (you females may not like this part) divide the sturnum conecting the ribs, and with your hands take out all the innerds, the kiddneys will be the hardest to remove

    4)    once all insides are out, use a hose to wash out any remaining blood and inners.

    5)   cut the pig into is propper sections

       (you can find a chart of the sections on google)

    6) remove all skin and fat undernieth it

    Your now ready to cook you pig

                   IT'S EASIER THEN IT SOUNDS

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