
Is it worth to fix?

by  |  earlier

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My 1986 Dodge aries with 319K miles, was rear ended last week, while I was stuck in traffic, on the highway. My insurance company gave me $950, which was the total cost of repair after the accident. The car is undriveable in its present condition. Should I have it repaired with the $950 or keep the money and donate the car for a tax write off?




  1. Keep the money and donate the car. Even if you were to get it fixed.. It's an older car that's been wrecked.. It WILL break down again and it WILL cost WAY MORE in the long run to fix. Just save yourself the headache and suck it up and get yourself a dependable car.

  2. wow- i cant believe they didnt total it. (i also cant believe you were paying for collision!)

    but regardless.. id just sell the car (or donate it) and buy a new one with the cash.
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