
Is it worth watching another kid when you have your own and only getting 160 a week?

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My boyfriend wants me to watch his friend's son for 10 hours a day and 5 days a week and for 160 a week.I remember paying about that much 5 years ago for daycare and for only 8 hours a day.I know that it's almost 800 a month when it's low income,but you only pay a quarter of that if you are low income and paying child care subsidy.I also have a 2 year old,and his friend's son is 3 years old.Not potty trained yet,and I think of my sanity,because that's two little ones and thay can get really rowdy sometimes.I just feel like it's not really worth it.Can anyone give any kind of advice?




  1. For five 10 hour I would not. I don't think that's fair pay. Its not even cheap..its plain crazy to only get $160 a week for 50 hours! I have 2 boys and I get $150 a week to watch 2 other boys but I only watch them 3 days a week. They pay me $50 a day. Daycare centers and in home daycares can charge only $20 a day per child if they want and still be fine because they are watching so many kids so their profit is still great. For someone like you though, who's not making loads from watching other kids, I think that's very unreasonable. I would tell them you will do it for $200 a week and I think that's still a good deal for them because its five 10 hour days and you're not an actual in home daycare. Its one on one attention (besides your kids) and people almost always pay more for that.  

  2. As long as they aren't wanting to claim it on taxes and you aren't paying taxes in on it then it would be worth it.  Low Income average is about $2/ hr per kid right now so if you take the 10 hrs times the $2 you would get $20 times 5 days a week would be $100 so you would be getting more than some would get for low income babysitting.  I use to babysit a 6 month old for 6 hrs a day 5 days a week plus had my own 3 year old and 6 year old and sometimes I would end up with the 6 year old brother plus my sister would call and want me to watch her 1 1/2 year old and 6 year old lol talk about losing your sanity, but of course I worked daycare for a long time where 1 teacher would have 5 babies under 18 months old.

  3. No I think it's a lot of hours. You need to be paid at least 250 a week. You also need to work out if your child is sick will they still leave they kid with you, vice versa. You need to figure out food arrangements. They need to make it worth your wild. Look I highly doubt that they can find a daycare that in expensive. You hold all the cards.  

  4. I think $160 a week is really good. I babysit and no one around here even wants to pay $85 a week for a sitter! It's up to you if you think you can handle another child, you mentioned your sanity. I know from experience that if you get two kids that don't like each other then it won't work. If you do it, you need to set ground rules with the parent, such as you get paid even if they take a day off and don't bring their child. I would also recommend a play date to see if the kids get along. You may want to say it's on a trial basis in case this doesn't work out.  

  5. You are the only one that can answer this.  Would it be worth it to you?  It's $160 more than you have now.  Perhaps you can do it on a trial basis.  Maybe give it 30 days and let him know that at the end of the 30 days, you will decide whether or not you would be willing to do it, but he should have a back up babysitter just in case it doesn't work out.  I have twin boys 5 1/2 months old, and my 22 month old daughter, and last week I decided to babysit a 3 year old girl and his 2 year old brother.  I told their mom that I would do it for a month, and I'm glad I did because I'm really looking forward to when that month is over, because I have discovered it's just not worth the $$ she's paying me.  Good luck!!

  6. I watched my nephew for 3 days a week, about 10 hours a day  and it was wayyyy too much for me to handle.  At the time he was 8 months and my son is only 6 months older.  As much as I love my nephew I had to stop because I couldn't handle both of them at the same time.  I have him for an hour a day now because his daycare closes before his mom gets home, and that hour is very difficult.  He is now 20 months and my son is 26 months and they fight constantly.

    Another thing is that when I was the daycare provider it sometimes caused issues with my sis-in-law and I, and we both decided it is better to keep daycare and family separate.  If they are really close friends, it might be kind of the same thing.  If you really need the money, you should consider it, but just to warn you it really is a lot to take on.  And being the mom of a 2 yr old, I am sure you are busy enough as it is!

  7. I would only do it if I REALLY needed the money.  

  8. i think that $160 is a good price for daycare!.. also you will be amazed that although it sounds like MORE work having another child sometimes seems like less work because they will play together a lot.. I have twins and when i only have one its more work, when i have both and babysit i dont have to do anything but watch over then, feed, clean and its a lot less stressful then you would think.. you can say that you will try it for a few weeks and if its to much you will let them know.. you never know unless you try and $160 is really good for daycare for a inhome friend..  

  9. It depends how badly you need the $160.  Honestly, I can think of many different ways to make that kind of money working shorter hours (even just a dumb retail job in the evenings).  Tying up your entire week just sounds like a huge burden.

  10. Depending on how well you know the person would play a major part in my decision. Sometime when a friend is in need you do things within reason that your able to do and the money is just extra because at the end of the day its a favor and you never know when that same friend will be needed for one thing or another. Its not really about the money IMO since its a friend now if it were a stranger off the street and you were doing it for a living then that would be different. I would try it out see what happens and take it from there. Its not like your doing something you already have a child and your home. One time I was laid off and collected unemployment for a year. When my family needed me to babysit if I was available I did it and I didnt charge them because I didnt really need the money plus I know that blessings come from giving and even though your not giving someone money your giving them more than that by being of assistance. Good Luck!

  11. i am not sure what you mean on low income. is the state helping pay for the child, if the state will be paying you good luck, they take forever. but you have to do whats best for you. they may play together which is nice and if he naps and is good why not. its 800.00 more than you have now.  

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