
Is it wrong NOT to breatfeed?

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I don't! And, so many people criticize me! I mean, it is MY choice right? So, my question is, is it wrong not to?




  1. its not WRONG, but if there is nothing medically stopping you...why would you not want to? its so good for your baby and cheap! lol

  2. i don't think it is... my son was bottle fed and he is happy and healthy! it is your choice and whatever others choose to say is their opinion and that is all it will ever be! don't let them get to you!

  3. I wouldnt choose bottle over breast but its up to you. You never no what they put in formula these dyaz! My sister in law is still breastfeeding and her son is 2 and 2 months old. Thats too long for me im gonna wean her at 1 i have been trying to becuase im underweight but she just doesnt want to.

  4. It's not wrong at all, I think every woman should at least try, but if it doesn't suit them, then formula is the way for them to go.

    A lot of breastfeeding moms will criticize you about it, but a lot of them won't. It's your choice and be okay with it.

  5. No it's not wrong not to. They say breast milk is the best you can give your baby. But with the way they are developing the milk these days it's almost like breastmilk. Now don't get me wrong, I am a breastfeeding mother. I have 3 children 2 of whom I have breastfed. I'll be the first to tell you the things they say about babies who have been bottle fed aren't true. I've heard things like oh it will make your kid grow up dumb, etc etc etc, but she's a whiz kid and the top of her class. It's totally up to the mother if they want to or not. And there are a bunch of holly rolling people out there that think their opinions are the only ones that are right. It's not right for everyone.....just ignore them, take care of your baby the way you want to, as long as it's in a good loving way, who the h**l cares!

  6. Not only is it your choice, it's medically necessary for some women and some babies.  Anyone who's criticizing you needs to close their mouths, and keep their opinions to themselves.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.  There have been entire generations of us raised on formula, and we all turned out just fine!

  7. No it's not wrong to not breastfeed. It is your choice just like you said. Breastfeeding is only for certain women. Some like it, some don't, and some just don't even bother. My cousin is pregnant and she is firmly sticking to never even trying to breastfeed, and that is her choice. Don't worry about what other people say.


  9. if that is your choice than own it and who really cares what anyone else thinks?

    no it is not WRONG

  10. Your b***s, your decision.

    If you want to deprive your children of the health benefits of breast feeding, you're right, that's YOUR choice.

    Besides, 5 months ago you were a VIRGIN, no way you have 4 kids!;...

    Just another bored teenager wanting to cause drama =];...

    .. er, 12 yr. old .. LOL.

    Hopefully, you won't be so bored when school starts back! =]

  11. Wrong in what way?

    It is good for a child to be nourished with milk that has the best composition for human babies. But there are various reasons for why it might not be viable.

  12. Its not wrong at all...its your choice.  Who cares what people say.  Many women don't take to breastfeeding, or it doesn't work for both of you.  Tell people politely to mind their own business.

  13. no! i didnt even try! I wanted to be able to get full help with feeding the baby, i might my next one but you know its not all that bad and my daughter didnt end up all deformed or anything lol

  14. It would be wrong if you starved your child!

    I breastfeed my daughter, and I strongly advocate it, but I was a formula-fed baby and will not criticize someone for using formula.  In fact, I'm amazed at the amount of people who are quick to condemn the formula feeders since most of our generation was formula-fed!  (So if we say formula-fed babies aren't as smart or whatever, aren't we insulting ourselves?!)

    If it makes you feel any better, I think women get criticized now matter how they feed their children (e.g., I've heard that my breastfed baby is not getting enough, while others say she's eating too much...never any consistency, so I tune them out!).  I've learned that's part of what comes with being a mother - some nosy jerk (mostly women!) always have something to say about the baby's weight or physique, and blame it on how the mother feeds the child.

    If I were you, I'd be prepped with a snarky response for everyone who has something to say about how you feed your children.  Perhaps you can refer to the first line of my response.  :)

    Good luck to you!

  15. there was a time when breastfeeding was considered wrong and taboo, now the times have changed...but you are not's your's your b***s it's your life....people don't like it, too bad for them.  Tell them to take a hike!

  16. this really doesnt seem like a question to me but anyway, feed your kids however you want, its your life. if it was "wrong" then the general public wouldnt have access to formula  

  17. both my kids were born premature so actual breastfeeding was difficult. I thought about it and even tried it but it didn't work for me. my doctor told me that where she liked the idea of the baby getting breast milk, that formulas have a come a long way over the last decade or so and that it was fine to use formula. Personally, I didn't want to be the sole source of food and nurishment for my infants. I hope that doesn't make me sound like a bad parent but the idea of their father bonding with them through those midnight feedings was important in the father - child relationship as much as the relationship between mother and baby. I have friends and family who breastfed and they had that kid attached to them 24 hours a day. Personally, that was a little too intense for me. But it is your choice and your choice only and other people unsolicited advice should be put out of your mind and dismissed. Good luck!

  18. Why is it ok to criticize a woman for a mental illness like drug addiction during pregnancy but not ok to criticize a "choice" to give a baby sub-optimial nutrition?  Why is it ok to criticize a mom for giving her kid McDonalds or chocolate but not ok to criticize for formula feeding?

    Its your business how you feed your child, but you can't expect people to be happy about a choice that leads to increased illness in both mom and baby.

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