
Is it wrong for Christians to watch pornography?

by Guest62574  |  earlier

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Is it wrong for Christians to watch pornography?




  1. Yes unless they're doing the missionary position.

  2. No.

  3. yes it is a sin

    Pornography degrades women and promotes fornication.

  4. No,

    It is also not wrong for Christians to make pornography that they can send to this email address:-

    PS: No Fat Chicks

  5. The answer lies within the question...why are you asking?  Does it violate the gift from God between two married people?

  6. It sure is. Very wrong for so many reasons.

  7. Only if they enjoy it...

    EDIT:  Since there is at least one propagandist responding, I feel compelled to bust up a few of the delusions concerning p**n and the real world.

    Two presidents (LBJ and Reagan) poured a lot of taxpayer money into scientific studies, in an effort to prove that it was addictive, and damaged the 'moral fiber' of the country.  

    Much to their chagrin, the thousands of pages of research (all readily available to those who wish to read it), prove the opposite.  Nothing indicated p**n being addictive.  No study has ever proven that p**n leads to rape.  Deeper problems are usually found in marriages when p**n is blamed for the failure.

  8. "All things are legal to me, but notall are edifying".

    You are free to eat of the garbage can, but is it ealthy eating?

    What relation there exists between darkness and light? You yourself be the judge of it.

  9. Most definitely.  Just as it would be wrong for two people to fornicate with someone else standing nearby watching lustfully.

  10. You really don't know the answer to this question? This world is going down into the sewer. I can hear the beating of horse hoofs now. If you don't understand that read the Bible.  

  11. Yes it is.

  12. Careful! If you m********e you go to h**l! Well, according to the bible.

    Silly isn't it?


  13. Absolutely!  Pornography is lust.  That's the whole purpose of it.  We Christians are clearly warned against lust many times in the Scriptures.

  14. Only according to their book!  Personally, I'm agnostic and not a big fan of porno anyway...but, each his own.  

  15. well god created 2 naked people and used to watch them daily.

  16. nah, go enjoy a good w*nk.

  17. Nothing wrong with viewing it. Although as a brainwashed Christian I'm sure you find it immorally wrong to "spill ye seed". But in a context of health I must remind you that masturbation is quite healthy for your body and helps regulate your hormones and balance out your molecular devices. Not to mention it's pretty enjoyable. LOL.

    Anyway, as I was saying, make your own deduction, but I say you're helping your sexual health and balancing your hormones and serotonin levels in your brain.

  18. Yes. p**n is being said to be more addictive than any other drug on planet earth. Mainly because it is so accessible and free in most cases. It is a disease and will destroy any person's life. It destroys marriages, defiles people's bodies and moral destroy's people's respect for others. It is so bad, that someone should RUN from it if they ever see it, just like you would if you saw something dangerous coming at you.

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  19. "I am saying pornography hurts anyone who reads it, garbage in, garbage out." --Jerry Falwell

    There you have it, right from the "moral majority" fuhrer himself.

  20. They read the bible, what do you expect?

    -- What did god want Judah to do?

    -- What did Lot and his daughters do?

    -- What did Moses do?

  21. By definition a Christian should follow Jesus's teaching.  He said to look a women with lust is to commit adultery.  i.e. breaking one of the 10 Commandments.  Jesus made lusting morally as wrong as murder. Isn't the purpose of pornography to satisfy lust? so yes by definition it is wrong for Christians to watch pornography.  

  22. Oh Please. Why should it be any different for any person irrespective of their faith?

    It is harmful to your relationships!

    If U disagree with that then go ahead and enjoy it, but do not spread it where it will affect me or my family!

  23. Haha oh man ive been coming to this section of yahoo answers to read comments. It takes my stress away, lots of good laughs.

  24. Yes. It is wrong for everyone.  

  25. Christianity is a broad subject... Any religion that believes that Jesus is the son of god is considered part of Christianity. Each religion interprets whats right and wrong in their own way, so it would depend on ones religion.

  26. p**n or erotica?

    Hard core and most p**n yes since its about invoking lust not love.

    However erotic material  that's borderline comedy or romance that invokes desire for a spouse well that shouldnt be labelled p**n because it might be a bit "graphic"?

    If you really need to relieve some sexual tension and think DIY is less sinful than premarital s*x then use your imagination.

    If you're how can I put this very naive and need ideas for sexual stimulation you'll just have to find a library that includes copies of books like the Joy of s*x.

    Finally instead of using p**n TALK to your partner and ask them what pleases and stimulate them!  

  27. no as long as its missionary position its ok.

  28. yup i cant give specific scriptures but it is even in jewish faith it is i guess the only example i can think of is sodom and gamora but its bad and can potentially "make" you do something bad like fornicate, kill someone like David lol watching dudes wife take a bath then kill him to have her, covet, ect ect

  29. I guess that depends on what sect you go to.

  30. Only if you don't bop your baloney while reading the bible

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