
Is it wrong for a 12 year old ?

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my friend she is 12 and she is addicted to watching p**n and every time im over she asks me if i want to go on redtube and i say no and when i go online and ask what shes doing she says she is on redtube ... isn't it wrong for a 12 year old to be on those sites ?and im 14 ..if anyone is wondering




  1. i watch p**n im 12 i go on

  2. uh yeah. that perverted

  3. If you don't tell her parents, you are proving YOUR immaturity. Yes it is wrong but her parents are just as wrong. She's 12 and needs supervision. It does not matter if she'll be angry with you, you are as bad as she is if you don't tell someone.

  4. too young

  5. Not only is p**n addictive, it is also of evil origins. You already since this is wrong, if you can't persuade your friend to stop viewing this stuff, don't allow her to involve you. Does her parents know? They should maybe they can get her off of it or get rid of the pc.

  6. It is illegal and she can get very wrong images of what a relationship should be.  You need to fugure out a way to let her parents know to check the history on the computer.  Let her know that it is not real.  It is all staged and unrealistic.

  7. It's against the law for anyone under 18 to view sexually explicit sites. Most sites have a warning at the beginning. I'd tell someone.

  8. I think you should tell someone.  That is way to young to be addicted to it.  It can really mess with your head even if your an adult.

  9. Way too young! Maybe you should tell your parents and have your parents tell her parents.

      Hope she learns to stop.Good Luck!

  10. yeah its sorta creepy

  11. shes 12, she's not addicted to it.  she just likes it.  it's not wrong, but it is illegal.  sometimes you can't help what you're into.  she probably is just watching it to get attention from you and your other friends, if she always seems to mention it.  if it makes you uncomfortable tell her to not talk about it.  but if ur worried tell someone.  but don't embarrass her.

  12. i think she is probly just being curious.i use to get my parents tapes and watch them with my friends because i thought it was just funny.and i thought they would get a laugh off of it.and it was just somthing i was interested in seeing because of course i had never done that stuff before.but my daughter is 12 and if i caught her seeing this i would be concerned.because my worse fear is for my daughter to actually start doing that stuff with boys.but ofcourse im a mom what i thought was just having fun when i was that age,feels like an abomination now thinking of my daughter doing it lol. tell if u want too.but i dont really feel its that big of a deal.i would tell how ever if she started sleeping that is no good.u tell her too save her self for marrage if she ever wants to try.tell her to have respect for her body.

  13. Liking p**n is not a problem, being addicted to it is. If she's getting really bad, then you should probably talk to her about it.

  14. i think i was addicted to p**n when I was about 14. But then I realized that everyone does the same thing. Seen one, seen them all. It's just a phase. She'll grow out of it. Then she'll start having real s*x lol.

  15. Yes. It is wrong and illegal. She is underage. If she's into this sort of thing now, it is possible that something not so nice has happened to her. At that age she should be enjoying hanging out with friends, going to movies and basically having fun.

  16. I don't know if it's so much that she's addicted, but she likes it and she knows that it's seen as immoral/illegal/not "right" which might be why she's asking you to watch it with her and brag to you about it.

    It's not wrong for girls and guys your age to be experimenting sexually, with your own bodies and to get an understanding for what you are going to look for in a partner when sexual maturity hits, but yes these sites are illegal if you're under 18. So I would suggest telling your friend this and that you want no part of it--knowing that she's on them isn't helping your conscious.

  17. Well I agree with the answer of it being illegal untill over 18, but if you were a true friend, you should prolly tell her parents. She'd understand later down the road. Or just tell ur parents, and have ur parents tell her's. That makes it kinda easier on u. Just tell her, Hey, I didnt tell them, my parents did and it's ur own fault for doing it in the first place.

  18. Yes, that's VERY wrong. It's also illegal. Tell your parents and they can notify her parents.

  19. Yes, it's actually illegal.  Tell her to stop before the internet cops find out and come to her house.

  20. Let someone, that you trust, know that your friend is addicted to p**n. It's illgeal for her to watch because she is a minor. If she gets mad at you its okay. You'll be saving her. If you watch a friend do something wrong and don't do anything about it, you are not doing any better then them. If I were you, I would tell her parents. It isn't healthy for someone her age to be addicted to p**n. Let her parents know or even let your parents know and your parents can tell your friends. Please save your friend from this addiction. Best of luck!

  21. yes its weird and not right, and some people get really to into and it takes over there life kind of.. Maybe u should tell theyr mom and dad, and just ask the parents not to tell that u told.... that is way to young to be watchin p**n, espically all the time..

  22. get off this website you FU''cking troll

  23. Go watch it with her! She might need a partner to make her feel better about it. Its best to be a good friend right?

  24. hmmm. a lot of kids during that age especially going through that phase

    but if shes addicted to it thats a problem

  25. Tell her parents privately but tell them not to say you told them

    It's wrongggg

  26. a girl?


  27. not only wrong but unhealthy AND ILLEGAL.


  29. yes... kids of your age should not be watching to much explicit material... i am assuming that you are a girl (because if your not then i would suggest that this girl is coming onto you in a very strong way)...

    however wrong it may be.. both of you guys are going through major physical and emotional changes in your life... if you want to talk to her about watching less pornography.. be sure to do it in a sensitive manner

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