
Is it wrong for a 18 year old to "do stuff" with a 26 year old pregnant chick?

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this 26 year old girl i met that i fell in lvoe with in 1 week.. we've been doing a lot together but i feel all weirded out about it because shes 26 & pregnant and i am 18... is there anything wrong with this? i dont want her to feel all weirded out about it either...should i feel ackward about this situation?




  1. well, it depends on how deep your love is for her, as long as she doesn't have a husband and is committed to you then its ok and not wrong.

    it depends on what you think is right in the end

  2. i would be freaked just by the whole preggers thing but that's just me...  i would stop "doing stuff" w/ her

    pls answer mine;...

  3. The age difference could be significant in later years.  If by 'doing stuff' you mean engaging in sexual activity outside marriage, then, yes, according to every major religious faith it is immoral and should not happen.

    The age thing will most likely take care of itself when she tires of you as a playmate, and you set out to achieve some of life's major aims.

    I wish you well, however it works out.


  4. that is why they say love is blind.  age is just a number. it is what is in your hearts that matters the most.  it sounds like to me that she is enjoying the attention that you are giving her,because some pregnant women think that they are less attractive to the opposite s*x.  i personally think just the opposite is true.  neither one of you should be weirded out as you put it. i say go with your hearts on this one. god bless you both.

  5. The age difference is a big thing at your age.  In time, it won't matter so much.  What should be bothering you is the fact that you think you're in love after 1 week.  Love doesn't happen that fast.  You don't even know her.  You couldn't possibly in that amount of time.  And then you consider the next complicating factor.  If she is due to have a baby, you're going to be dealing with two things...a child which you are going to have to accept and bond with and an ex that is never going to go away because he has rights to visit with his child which means mom is always going to have to deal with him and if you're in the picture so will you.  You are entering into a very complicated situation.  I'm not telling you to run.  Too many guys do that.  I'm just putting the cards on the table so you will think about them.  I hope that you treat her as a wonderful friend, support her when she needs it, and grow your relationship so that one day you may actually find you are in love and not just suffering from a crush or lust.

  6. just think about it this way she was 8 yrs old when you were born but pregnant woman are fun and you dont have to worry about getting them pregnant for quite awhile so enjoy




    at least wait until your a little older.


  9. i guess nothing matters if you love eachother, its not that big or an age difference but its kinda weird that she pregnant and not even your kid.

  10. There is nothing wrong about the age difference if you truly love her, but if she's pregnant, I would be very wary of her.  If she made love with her previous boyfriend, she might do it with you later, and you definitely don't want that because you're not married.

  11. You're 18, YOU are an adult and responsible for your own actions.  YOU have to decide if there is anything "wrong" with what you are doing.

  12. well dude honestly, if shes pregnant i wouldnt do anything "bad" with her...its ok if shes a lil older and ur foolin around a bit but not wen shes can affect birth or possibly damage the never know..but the age thing is fine you shouldnt worry about that

  13. i think it is trashy for a pregnant women to be sleeping around.  and you are an idiot for getting involved with someone who is about to have a kid.  shes probably just using you.

  14. well i would just mention it to her and ask her about it but if u are truly in love then age does not madder

    lov ya maddie

  15. you dont fall in love with someone in a week. its lust. also if u are doubting the relationship then maybe it isnt right for you. are u also ready for the responsibility that might come if u 2 become serious and she eventually has the baby. yes its not ur baby, but if ur "in love" with her you will be helping with that baby

  16. It's kinda weird, dude. Very weird. Creepy even.

  17. No. You're both adults and if it's consensual and you aren't stepping on any toes (you know, like her husband's) then I don't see a problem. Happy lovin'!

  18. well you're both legal age....

    but age difference does make a difference especially when you're so young as you are now.

  19. if you don't see anything wrong you are lying to yourself. Do you want us to tell you NO its fine. Come on you wouldn't be asking.........BUT she is really the one who is MORE to blame.......she is carrying someone child and she is messing with a KID you are just a kid so don't blame yourself as much as HER........but yeah its WRONG man come on. Who is the father of her baby and what would he think.

  20. That is NOT right at all. If you feel it is wrong, it is wrong. Don't try to justify it by seeking people's answers to tell you it is okay. It just isn't. Wait until you are married. Tons of kids are being brought into this world out of wedlock and it creates tons of issues and problems. Just do it the right way. Control yourself and quit using that sacred power of procreation for your own personal satisfaction.

  21. If YOU feel uncomfortable, then perhaps older women aren't the best choice for you.

    WE can't tell you how to feel about it... because there's nothing technically wrong with the situation, so you have to decide for yourself whether or not you want to continue things the way they are with this woman.

  22. haha it's not weird, dont let age matter!

    if u really love her why should age be an obstacle?

    just be careful not to get ur heart broken...

    n i hope ur not lying to her about ur age, it may cause it all to end if she finds out

  23. LOL

    There is nothing wrong with this, but I can see why someone who thinks they've fallen in love within a week would think so.

  24. Communication is key! If it doesn't feel right, there must be a reason. But you are both legal adults and free ro make your own choices

  25. "Technically"?  No.  If she's not married, then you don't have to see anything wrong there, she probably needs someone to be there for her, you're making each other happy, that's what it's all about man.

    Make-a the world-a go roun.

    Yeah you should still wear a condom.  And you should wait until that little bundle of joy is in elementary school before you start thinking about taking it off.  Try not to think that you know everything like some people your age.

    And don't lay like, directly on top of her, and crush anybody.

  26. Um....1 week....I don't know about that, if it's love, maybe lust.

    And plus, who is she pregnant with? Wouldn't the father of that child be a little iffy on that?

  27. the age difference is whats freaking you out? and thats it?!

    how about the fact that you are s******g around with a preg woman?

  28. That is highly disturbing. She's a w***e. Knocked up and them "doing stuff" with an 18 year old boy. SICK.

  29. I dated a guy once who was about 5 years younger than me when I was 23- it was a little hard from the perspective of meeting his family.

    But it was the most "fun" I had dating... he was a great guy.

    I think it's a stage of her life you can't possibly be ready for - she's 26 and about to become a mother.

    I would guess that is not going to work out for you two long term and how much of a friend can you be, vs. boyfriend and will it hert her more or less later on when you leave her?

  30. What kind of "stuff"?  Shopping together?  Probably nothing wrong with that.

  31. Stuff? What do you mean by stuff? Do you mean playing putt-putt? That's OK.

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