
Is it wrong for a company to tell you you can't be friends with your co-workers?

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Recently a company I work for has been putting the axe down on the employees by telling them they are not allowed to fraternize outside of work with co-workers. After further explanation from management they say fraternization means socializing outside of the workplace. I personally feel this is wrong. Mind you these friends are not management they are co-workers in the same part-time position and level as I am. Am I wrong? Do they have the right to tell me who can and can not be my friends? Is there anything I can do for myself and my fellow co-workers? Can they honestly fire us?




  1. How are they supposed to find out who you socialize with outside the workplace? Go ahead and do it, anyway. To blazes with their policy.

  2. NO they cannot fire you.  Many companies discourage "friendship" with the fear that you will get together and realize how shady the company really is and you will expose them or do something together.  They cannot tell you who to be friends with and who not to be friends with.  A lot of companies discourage dating but they don't out right say you cannot date.  Nor could they fire you for that reason if you two are on the same level and there is no conflict of interest but what they can do is make up some moral and ethical job appropriateness memo and make you sign it.

  3. it is completely acceptable to not allow managers/assistant managers/supervisors (anyone in a position of authority) to fraternize with the other employees because it creates problems with favoritism and is unprofessional. i've never heard of a company that does not allow employees of the same "level" to socialize outside of work. and even if they are saying that, how will they ever know? are they going to put a gps in your car and have PI's following you....even if people talk about it they can't prove anything cause it's just hearsay.

  4. I haven't heard this one. Yet similar. Jobs don't want personal relationships developed between two people that work together. Especially if it's dealing with someone in a high position and a lower position. But being friends is just wrong. At my job, co-workers always hang out. Go to the beach, movies, camping, anything. Even some of the managers and supervisors do this with the lower co-workers.

  5. That is not only wrong but unethical to try to control their employees' life outside of work. When you are not on the employer's time clock you are on your time.

    However, if your employer is an at-will employer which means that they can terminate your employment with or without cause they can fire you. I 'm sure that they will not put that on the record, firing you for being friends with a co-worker.

    Thanks for asking.

  6. They cannot tell you who to be friends with after work - unless it is a sexual relationship with a co worker.  

  7. No they have no right to demand any such thing..  that should be taken to the workers union... you can be friends with a work colleague or work colleagues outside of work.. as long as this does in no way affect your work skills .. I see absolutely no reason.. better to have a good work atmosphere.. of course if that would lead to ''the friends gossiping at work instead of doing their job.. or behave differently toward those co-workers who are not in their circle of friends.. then it would be wrong.. at work.. every worker should respect all their co-workers and treat each of them equally and the job comes first..  during break time.. they should be allowed to ''fraternalize''.. as long as this does not have consequences to the quality of work.. I see no reason at all why work colleagues cannot be friends outside of work.. that sounds like a dictatorship company I would not like to work for.

  8. I've heard of companies and jobs with rules where co-workers aren't allowed to be romantic, but never not to be friends. Who's your boss, Hitler?!!!!!

  9. its wrong bordering on idiotic how can you not socialize  

  10. It is very wrong you work side by side every day its natural to became friends I bet they could fire you though just still hang out with them and just don't say anything at work about it

  11. When an employer stats dictating what you can and can't do in your own private time out of work it's time to find a new job.

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