
Is it wrong for a man to take a shower with his seven year old son?

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Why or why not?




  1. I think so.

    A seven year old is perfectly capable of taking showers alone.  He doesn't need 'help'.

  2. First reaction, "No.". Secondly, you didn't mention where this took place or is taking place. If it was, for example, at the YMCA in a gang shower, where all the guys shower, then what else would you expect?

    If the showering is at home, is it habitual or just an occassional thing after getting dirty gardening together or something. Also remember that there are appropriate lessons that fathers need to teach their sons about male bodies, just like moms need to share certain information with their daughters about women's bodies. Showering together can be one opportunity to do this in a less awkward way.

    Finally, nudity itself is not "dirty". Get over it. And there were those buttons in the seventies that said "Save Water! Shower with a Friend."

    To balance things a litte, parents always need to be somewhat careful, even of each other, but don't try to find absolute answers to behavior. In some families nudity is a very natural thing and is handled nonchalantly, in other families privacy regarding bodies runs high, even among family members of the same gender.

    If your son is showing reluctance to accompany your husband into the shower and your husband is insisting, then I would be more watchful, not alarmed, just watchful. Even if nothing is "going on", I would be taking the lead from my son and respecting his privacy, if that were his preference. (There can of course be exceptions if you believe that the child is concealing injuries or health problems.) My own children have gone through periods of wanting more and less privacy. I personally go with the flow, I think that shows respect for them.

  3. why would it be? i find it perfectly normal

  4. Well... it's kind of weird but he's not a pre-teen or anything. When he starts getting into puberty (testicular enlargement is the first sign), I suggest separate showers are taken. Like others said, it's an easy way to teach about male parts. Good luck!

  5. I don't see anything wrong with it, especially if it takes place in a sports complex, or even a camp ground where there are showers. The little boy has a p***s, as does his Dad. It's making things seem dirty that creates hang-ups. Dads will take their sons into public washrooms with them. Keep in mind, we use urinals. You mean to tell me the son doesn't use the urinal??..Of course he does!!! Also, you see mothers take their little sons into washrooms as well. The mother certainly sees her son's p***s...that's wrong??...No way!

    As long as we make big issues out of nothing, children will not grow up with a healthy attitude toward certain things in life. As the boy grows older, there's really  no need for him to shower with anyone. As another writer wrote, it's done in sports where professionals shower in the same stall. Truly, the stall is almost the size of a room, but they are in the same area,...totally naked.

  6. My duaghter would occasionally jump in the shower with dad. Of corse in this case he would wear swim trunks. This was when she was 3. Now she is 8 and sometimes me and her will take a bubble bath together. I see nothing wrong with it. Father and son are the same s*x and have the same parts. I would maybe recomend the swim trunk idea.

  7. Personally...7 is a little old. Granted, it's probably been done forever so they just simply don't care, but still. Personally I think I would end bathing with a parent at the onset of preschool or kindergarten.

  8. I don't think so. But it depends on the maturity level of the boy. Little kids sometimes need help in the shower and it's probably easier if there's a parent in with them instead of just standing outside the shower. And it does save some water. Any older than 7 might be a little inappropriate though.

  9. No, most men aren't pedophiles that would harm their children.  They would just be taking a shower together.  I don't think that's strange, just family.

  10. i think it is. cause the world these day kids saying there parent touch them. just be careful.

  11. Yes, that is wrong. Call an expert about it.

    I recommend to call Dr. Joy Browne; it's free (weekdays from noon -3pm eastern at 1-800-544-7070)

  12. 7? Um ew. Thats nasty. Yes its wrong. I could see 2,3 when they dont know much, but yes 7 is just wrong.

    Sleep together to? Geeze.

  13. I think so, the child is old enough to take a shower on his own. He can explore his body, not his fathers.

  14. No that is not wrong because guys do that kind of thing in sports and they are family its not like he is violating the childed also if they are running low on cash and need to saves money it saves on water bill

  15. no and your saving water

  16. why not...conserve water

  17. Kinda, cus that shows g@yness (sorry for offensive laungauge)

    but then again, it's not so wrong cus he is seven...

    But if he still thinks the Boogie-Monster is under his bed and needs you (his parents) to check for him, then it's okay...

  18. Yes it's wrong.

  19. I think so ... but some households are different. Some people think bonding,  i think pedophilia. And while some girls take showers with their mothers  i think there are more little boys out there that were"touched" by their daddies than there are little girls "touched" by their mothers.

  20. yes thats not normal for a grown man to take a shower with a little boy...he should know how to wash himself by now...

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