
Is it wrong for a newspaper to publish a thirteen girls weight ??

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My local community newspaper, (Queens Tribune) which is available to everyone for free, has a special section where they profile local "models" every week.

This week, as in the past, they had a picture and a article on a minor girl (13) who they claimed was a model. They included a section which gave her weight (75 pounds)

I find this disgusting and almost bordering on child abuse!!!

Am I being too prudish???




  1. You  certainly are being too prudish, this is so far from child abuse, that it has another zip code.

  2. they just said her weight??? that doesn't seem wrong....

  3. In general, if the weight of the person -regardless of his or her age - is part of the story, i wouldn't see a problem with it. First  I thought your question was about obesity, but now i see it is the opposite. My problem is that they refer to her as a "model" instead of a "child model",  if she is in fact a professional one. I think she is way too thin - an unhealthy child and role model for other little girls. I didn't care for the lipstick either. It is more the parents' fault, not the newspapers'.

    FYI: In general, the weight of the (adult) models is part of their portfolio.

  4. the weight isnt a problem. what i find a bit disturbing is that they have her actual pic up!!!  and her locatioN!! any sicko could hang around the area, stalk her- since he already knows her info, just pretend he's a scouter, and there u go!!!! parents need to be a little bit more careful on what decisions they take. putting their childs pic for the world!!!

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