
Is it wrong for a single dad to still be bathing his daughter at age 8?

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shouldnt an 8 year old be allowed to bathe herself?

she doesnt have any medical problmes




  1. My daughter is 12 and she cant wipe or bath herself.She was in a car wreck when she was 10 with her druggie mom,and now its just her and I.She has a mind of a child now.I had a female friend show me how to take care of her when she is bleeding.I get dirty looks from women  all the time and comments.I take her in the mens bathroom with me,guys never have a problem with it.I take her swimming everyday and take her in the mens lockerroom,there is another room in there were dads can help change there kids and shower them,but its all open and everyone changes,showers in front of everyone.Women in the Unted States are so perverted,and they also think the worse.Women need to take a good look at them selves in stead of acusing guys of everything. 

  2.  I think all of you are simple minded b***s! Many single fathers bathe their children, regardless of their gender. To associate the bathing of your own child with sexual perversion is presumptuous and sick. Of course there are boundries that need to be established, but to generalize fathers as being perverse, merely because of gender bias, is immature, destructive and ridiculous. The human genitalia isn't just for s*x, which is obvious in regard to prepubescent children. This Victorian attitude about the human body is why we are a repressed society. Grow up, get your minds out of the gutter and allow parents to care for their young children! 

  3. Are you Crazy? Listen to the little vice in your head saying NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
    % or 6 is max-There is something wrong here-and that goes for moms bathing their sons-5 or 6 is max Ladies. The Dad need to be told to stop immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yes and no, he can supervise and wash the hair and some of the body like back, but no the privates she should know thats her no no spot and can wash it herself.

  5. Here we go again: It is wrong -stop it immediately-you could be charged for child molestation you idiot.
    The same thing goes for boys-no older than 5 or 6-they are fully capable of doing it themselves.
    Be a proper parent and knock it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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