
Is it wrong for me to ask my guidance counselor to change my teachers?

by  |  earlier

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idk why but it always seems like i'm always stuck with the hard teachers..i know this is better in the long run but my friends get easy grades and they learn the same thing as me ..and i know studying isn't the problem. i'm becoming a sophomore in hs and i got stuck with some teachers that can't teach . i just don't think this is fair. i want to tell my guidance counselor i don't like specific teachers i have but idk how to explain it and plus, i'm shy... i dont want to sound asking these stuff even rude? i'm so lost..




  1. If I were you I would not be afraid to speak to your high school counselor about these things. The counselor may help you by changing the teachers. If not the counselor may help you with the ways that you study. I agree with you that there are severe problems with the way that some teachers do teach. Why don't you become a member of the student council or the student newspaper. This is the correct way of asking for change in the teachers. The public forum is the best way of calling for a change. The best of luck. I now that you can do it.

  2. Just get your parents to go into the school and have your parents tell the guidance counselor that they heard about specific teachers and they are good and they want you to have them. My mom always does this and I get the teachers that can actually teach.

  3. as long as you have a good reason on why you want to change classes,

    it shouldnt be a big deal

    its totally fine .

    that's why they're there


  4. If you find that you aren't learning from your teacher, then you definitely shouldn't hesitate to ask your counselor.

    If you explain to your counselor that you aren't learning, then I'm sure they would switch you.

  5. no go ahead... don't be overly pushy about it though... I honestly don't think your counselors would mind, especially if you told them that you weren't really learning from the teacher...  you might not be able to get all of your teachers switched but I would try for the ones you don't like most... but it really depends on how many you want switched...

  6. no not at all. just say that a certain teacher isn't working out for you and you think you'd benefit more from someone else teaching you.

  7. Honestly, No. I am in high school and have been in this situation. Guidance Counselors are there for that fact to help you and everything you  tell them is confidential, and if you have any trouble tell them. They are there for that reason and if you are too shy, maybe ask your parent/guardian to confront them about this issue. If you talk to your guidance counselor, be polite and not rude too, this well help and explain why you want to change teachers or your schedule.

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