
Is it wrong for me to expect his help?

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I've looked after my parents for ten years. Dad died recently. It has been tough as they were very poor and old age is costly. Plus they were both very sickly.

I am off work today as we have had more drama with mom today.

I got divorced when I was very young so have been alone since in terms of any help in any way.

My son is 26 and really shows no interest in helping like going to visit them (when dad was alive). Or offering any help at all.

I think he's a bit immature too as he likes only friends, skate boards, sonyplay station and doesn't like to work too much!

I guess I am having a bad day today :(

tanks for answering!





  1. It really depends on how he was raised.  Did you teach him respect? responsibility? Did you discipline him when he was a child?  Did he have responsibilities like cleaning his room, taking out the trash and mowing the yard to teach him what it takes to survive in real life?  Did you teach him respect for his elders and what they could mean to him?

    The truth is he should be helping you.

    If you didn't teach him those things though you shouldn't expect his help. Why would he help now?

  2. Its not wrong  

  3. no its not wrong to accept his help. ur son should help you more often. tell him hw u feel,tell him hw hard you have workerd to bring him up and that now , you expect him to help you a little as to him.


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